Nan continued to claw the door and screeched and the whites in her eyes were huge.
"Tess, Tess, come save me. OMG, somebody HELP me!!" she screeched.
I tugged on her leash and made her lay next to me. She turned her back to the sheep and stuck her nose in the stall door corner.
Wisely, the sheep observed that Nan was a no threat to her and finished their hay and began to lie down and chew their cuds. A couple lay next to her and when their bodies touched her, she cringed.
I am thinking, "HUM, my Open dog needs a bit of work in tight places"
So over the months we worked on it. Also at the night time feeding, I would use Tess and Nan to hold the sheep off the feeders. Nan looked to Tess a lot to see what she would do and mimic her. A nip her on the nose, a walk up to the head and so forth. Over the months Nan got stronger and stronger and many more hours were spent in the stall.
Tess has been lame the last week so the chore details have fallen on Nan’s shoulders. She can push the sheep off the feeder now and has a nice push to the sheep on the heads. Tonight I wanted to snag a ewe to check her hoof and had her bring the sheep into the stall.
No chair, no coffee and trying to see if the many hours had paid off in real work.
This is what I got.
Nan squeezed herself between the sheep and the wall and brought them to me. She went on both sides and all I could see was the top of her back and then sometimes that disappeared when she went under a ewe. She would grip a hock or nose to move them along and when I told to down, she lay next to the sheep and her eyes were glowing.
The sheep decided to back down. I had her walk up and she backed them up to the wall. I sent her around the crowded sheep and she almost got stuck trying to squeeze herself along the wall. She was fearless.
As we left the stall and Tess greeted us Nan turned to her and said “You can go and sleep in the house now. I got it covered now”
And we walked up to the house, Nan and I, all puffed up with pride. Tess was nowhere to be seen.
Anson enjoyed the trial too. He was not running but Kathleen brought him to visit. Here he is just having a fun time running about.