Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Fido's Sheepdog Trial On Dec 27 and 28

I went to a sheepdog trial on Saturday to cheer on my students. Audrey ran Dan, Kael and Cate. Diane Mitchell ran Ben, Rob and Teine. Tim ran Reba, Nell and Billie.  Audrey picked me up so I cold go and watch, since I wasn't running that day.  That was very sweet of her.
The trial was held at Fido's and in a nice square pasture with fat, healthy but wily sheep.  Much thanks to all the people who made this trial a success. On Saturday, Jenni Coleman was the judge and Sunday, Sue MacDonald was the judge.   Saturday was the Novice, Ranch, PN (non Open handlers) Non Compete Open and Sunday was Open and PN (Open handlers)
So Saturday, I went to cheer on my friends and on Sunday, I went to run Maid and Nan. Janet Thorpe picked me up on Sunday so I was able to run at the trial. It is hard for me to drive for that long, then run, then drive back as it wears me out. (For those who don't know I have Stage Three T Cell lymphoma and very ill, Chemo to start soon)
Tim Browne just started herding in June with his dog, Kodi. Kodi became ill so I started to work with him with my dogs. He feel in love with Nell (aka TSN Peep) and she feel in love with him. She was going to be my PN dog next year but sometimes life changes course, so Nell became is dog. He also has been working Billie and Reba since I have been sick. He has been very diligent about lessons and doing his homework. So he signed up for his first trial and place third with Reba.  Not bad!!
Sunday was cold but not raining.  Janet drove which helped me a lot. Nan was first and totally ignored my commands so we missed the dog leg fetch. Very nice drive and missed attempt on the shed but we got it and the pen. We placed midpack but she had fun and I run her for fun. She has a blast and since she is retired, we run for fun.

Maid was next and last time at this trial, she did awesome on the dogleg fetch but this trial, she didn't listen at all and did a nice mostly straight fetch. (Sigh). Nice drive with going a little high but good otherwise. Stella shed and pen but the horrible fetch took us out of contention. She placed next to Nan in the final standings. Guess I have some homework to do!

 I don't have all the scores, sorry.
Janet and I headed out right after out runs as I was getting tired then. We stopped and had some Vietnamese soup which warmed up our cold bodies. hen I got home and took a three hour nap. I am good for about 4 hours, then have to take a nap. I was ok with my dogs but have to work on them, listening to me better at the top. They chose to ignore me so I will be doing dogleg work at home.
I had a nice weekend and happy to have friends to pick me up so it was possible to go to the trials.

1 comment:

Lynn said...

So sorry to hear about the lymphoma. Wishing you all the best health in the coming year!!! I'm betting on you to kick it's butt!