Sunday, April 22, 2012

Bonnie and Freckles

Bonnie Daley has a new trial dog. Her name is Freckles. She is the dam to Susan's dog, Kacee. Freckles is quite a dandy, little dog and this dynamic duo should be making an appearance soon. Hopefully Bonnie will make her way over to the June trials, maybe this year or next. We hope to see her soon.

I met Bonnie a few years ago at the Washington trials and we hit it off. We have been friends ever since. I enjoy her quick wit and charm. She is one of those people that is a true friend.  I am glad we are buds and look forward to many more years.

Bonnie and Freckles. This was at Susan Abrams farm in Oklahoma.

Bonnie also got a new trailer. It is quite nice.  You can fit 5 giraffes, two turtles, six dogs and the entire crew of "Dancing with the Stars" in it, as well as Bonnie and her dogs.

I am happy for Bonnie for her new dog and trailer. She was beaming like the bright sun that was in the sky! It was good to see her smile!

I want to thank Bonnie and Susan for the enjoyable Saturday when I was in Oklahoma. Plus, I got to pet dogs , see sheep and have a grand ole time! 

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