Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Rainey's first PN run at LaCamas

This is Rainey's second time to the post with me in PN. She is a much softer dog than Tess, Nan or Roo. She is like her sire, Scott, in the sensitive department. However, she has a heart of gold and will do anything I ask of her. She has gotten a lot tougher on sheep in the last few  months.

Bill DeVoe was the judge and did this for three days (three rounds of PN) and he did a suprb job. He has a great sense of humor and made everyone feel at ease.  I met Bill over eleven years ago at the Vashon Trial. They hosted the Handler's Dinner and it was a feast. He was very kind to me at that time, being a Novice and still to this day,  is still a classy guy!

 Walking to the post. She spies her sheep.

 Making the fetch panels.

 Holding the pressure on the rest of the fetch.

 The lambs tried to make a break for it but Rainey told them otherwise.

 Rainey says, "Do not enter this forbidden zone"

 She is very tiny but full of herself.

 I like the intensity in this photo.

 Turning the post. They tried to make a break for it but she stopped them and got them back online. She is very quick.

 Leaning on them on the drive. I actually had to slow her down.

 Just missed one on the cross drive panel.

Walking into their head at the pen. We timed out.

Photos: Ron Green

1 comment:

Janet said...

Good photos Ron! The pic of Rainey turning the post is great. Her stride/passion on that turn looks exactly like her sire!