Saturday, November 20, 2010

Hubby does his honey do list

Getty is a very good spouse. Not only he gets up early in the morning to make me coffee but he actually does the items on the "Honey Do List" and my "Wish List". This last weekend he managed to knock off quite a few items off both lists.

I told him I wanted an Apple Computer.

He defrosted the veggies for dinner.

I asked him for bigger windows on the east side of the house to have more morning sun.

My glasses broke so he fixed them.

There has been a coyote that has been killing the livestock so he hired a person to make me my own special gun. It uses various type of ammo.

I needed a farm truck so he got me one. It is very durable in the mud.

Since I got in my car accident, I can't run up the field to scold the dogs so he built me a chair so I don't have to run. I just peddle my way up the field.

He made me a pool for my ducks.

And lastly, he fixed my traveling rig so I could take my motorcycle.

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