
Friday, December 30, 2011

That'll Do, Roger Culbreath

We recently lost a great person to cancer. Roger befriended me many years ago at the Finals. We talked about dogs and oddly enough about Curry. He loved curry and was always looking for a good curry mix. Everytime, we would see each other or chat on the phone, we talked about where to find a restaurant that served a great dish of curry. He had a curry meal many years ago that was the best and was searching for a another meal or mix that was as good as that one. Last time, I talked to him, he hadn't found it.

Roger, I will say in heaven,  you will find the best curry meal ever and a dog by your side, waiting to nudge you.

Rest In Peace, my friend.


Roger Culbreath’s Service Memorial Gathering will be held this Friday from 4 to 7 pm at the Bunkhouse in Island Grove Park, 607 North 15th Ave, Greeley, Co. You may leave words of comfort at for the family.

Nancy Culbreath
32485 Co. Rd. 55
Gill Co. 80624

In lieu of flowers, Roger's family is asking that a donation be made to the Roger Culbreath Memorial Fund at the American Border Collie Association to aid in research. Make checks to ABCA and address the envelopes to: Roger Culbreath Memorial Fund, American Border Collie Association, 82 Rogers Road, Perkinston, MS 39573.-8843.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Go Kelpie Go

At the last trial, Liz stepped up and helped me quite a bit. She took pixs of my dogs during their runs and chatted with with me. She helped everyone out with odds and ends and in the end we all voted her, "our hero".

She runs a sweet Kelpie named Crick. Very talented and stock savvy.

At the post.

Still at the post. They just moved the sheep up and were still fussing with them.

Did I mention she was patient?

This was a Ranch run. Crick cast out wide and deep and then came in square at the top for a nice lift. He really rated his stock well.

 The turn at the post. Liz was very patient and they had a nice tight turn.

Start of the drive.

Look at the intensity.

The last part of the drive. As you can see it was a nice, quiet controlled run. We all cheered for her. Way to go, Liz.....and Crick!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Bonnie Block's Bob-Robert goes on an adventure

Bonnie Block's Border Collie named Bob-Robert went on a journey. He had heard that he was famous and that many signs had been named after him. Was it true or folklore? Bob set out with his backpack, a box of dog treats and a camera to see if this was true.

Bob and Bonnie.

Below is what he found.

A street named after him

 He found out that he was wanted.
 Up in lights  now...a star!!

The corn maze are in shapes of sheep

 He has a day job when he is not working sheep.

I guess he goes fishing

 He had his own bathroom

 In the woods, a path was named after him

He found that he was important.

This is the sign that started it all.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Last of the Santas

I thought that I had posted all of my Santa's cartoons but missed a few. So I guess, this is belated but enjoy them anyways.

Killer snowman.

...and Santa's wife says "I am married to a man who wears a red suit and thinks he can fly a sleigh in the air!"

Quick, get Fix-A-Flat

So that is how snowmen are made....go figure!

Monday, December 26, 2011

Young Handler

It's really nice to see the youth get interested in sheepdog trials. We have our own "upcoming young gun" and his name is Kylo Murray Gann.

Kylo and Mike waiting for the sheep in the Ranch Class on Dec 17. Kylo is very quiet and a very polite young man. They have done great at the trials!

 Mike on the fetch.

Turn at the post.

Driving to the first drive panel.

Covering the sheep with a big flank.

 The "Standoff"....the sheep wisely backed down.

Keen dog!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Happy Holidays

This blogger is taking a day off and enjoying the family time.

 From the last trial.

The Handler's post and the fetch panels.

Hope you had a wonderful Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to y'all.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Happy Santa!

Yikes, my eyes hurt.

Santa got off the charges since the Judge believed in Santa.

And that is how the children found out about Santa.

Timmy never asked for a Christmas present again.

This is our house.

A sign of the times.

Well that explains the toys that I got as a child.

Santa retired on disability after this

Unfortunately his name was Pokey.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Reindeer races

So is this how they pick who gets to lead the Santa sleigh!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Kirchgessner Trial Dec 17th write-up

Some people are meant to be morning people and others are meant to sleep in. I am of the sleeping in group so getting up at 5 on a weekend is like having a wisdom tooth removed. Slow and painful. I had enter Maid and Nan in Open and Sava and Rainey in PN. Maid was fifth dog up. The course was the same as the last time and you had one Scottie ewe and two Scottie lambs. The left hand turn was down a hill that you could not see, over a ditch and then over a slight hump and the sheep would appear. By this time, you hoped your were on line as you didn’t have much time to line up correctly. A snug turn then the long cross drive to a the solo panel and tree and then to the ring for a single and lastly, the pen. The draw was heavy at the first turn and back and forth on the cross drive.

Maid went out swiftly to the away side and flared out crispy when she saw the sheep. The setout person dog then chased the sheep about 2/3 of the way back to the setout and Maid had to cast out wide and come between the sheep and the setout pen. The line was off as they kept wanting to bolt back but we got them settled after we missed the panel. It was tough as the sheep were rattle from the setout dog and it amped everyone up. We got the first leg quite nicely but as soon as the sheep went through the panel, they made a break for the setout. Maid did not heed my comebye flank but swung on an away to cover them. She got them turned and they started the drive. She had to lean heavy on the setout side to prevent them from bursting back. Then halfway across the drive, they made a break for the exhaust. We did a few wide drives and then got them headed to the second panel where they made yet another break. She broke on the away side when I asked her for a comebye and finally the mess was settled in the ring. We had difficulties on the drive so we will be working on that. The sheep stuck to my legs and I really never had a chance for a shed. There were a couple of times for a risky shed but with Maid on the muscle and the sheep riled up, it would be a grievous error on my part to call her in as it would be a rodeo. So we lost most of the drive points and timed out on the single and obviously no pen. She listened quite well on the outwork but we are not connected yet on the drive. On the shed, she was very amiable. I am happy with her and it will take time but she is very willing and quite bonded to me.

Nan was towards the end and she cast out nice. She had a nice outrun, lift and feisty fetch, meaning on the muscle. The first leg was wobbly and she had a nice tight turn. About halfway on the drive she began to lean hard on the sheep and they veered back and forth. The last part of the drive was not clean and the sheep felt rushed as she was in their bubble. I called her in once for the single and it failed and after that the sheep stuck to me and we time out. The issue began on the last part of the crossdrive and I will be working on that so we all come into the ring, settled and not rushed.

Save was the first of my PN dogs to run and she cast out nice an wide. Her lift was honest and we were slightly offline and she didn’t want to lean on them to put them on line. They stood at her at the turn and she lher ground. We had issues on keeping the first leg straight but managed to work it out, then a bobble on the last part of the crossdrive when the sheep broke down. She got them back but missed the second panel and was a little off on her last leg. The sheep tried to skirt around the pen but she stopped them and tucked them in. The drive was the Open drive and it was very tough for the PN dogs. I really had to work it with Sava as it was a struggle for her. Out of the 14 dogs that ran in PN, only three got a score. Sava placed second in this class. I had to pull Rainey as she was lame so she got the day off.

The ranch class had a short drive then pen and the sheep were tough to push through the panel. But the handlers did well and handled the runaways with grace. The Novice class was tough as the sheep wanted to break down to the exhaust but the handlers worked on their handling and won their battles for that day.

The trial was tough but fun and a real challenge. The sheep were wily and not easy to handle if you got into their bubble. I need to widened my dogs on the bubble. They are used to heavy sheep and need to learn to rate lighter sheep better than they did at the trial.

I will post pixs later this week.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Building a Winning Team - Patrick Shannahan

Patrick has a new DVD out. I have his first one and it is quite good. I just ordered the second one. From his website.

Join two time US National Champion, Patrick Shannahan, as he takes us on the journey of training a sheepdog. Second in the DVD series Building a Winning Team, Headed in the Right Direction continues the focus on clear, concise communication.

Patrick will introduce flanks; demonstrating good flanks while assessing flanks that need work. You will learn the importance of the gather and how to begin to lengthen your dog’s outrun. Patrick will continue to teach you how to develop your dog’s good method on the sheep while working on small fetches. With clear, concise footage, Patrick will explain what he is seeing while training and will help get you and your dog Headed in the Right Direction.

To order your DVD, click the link below.


Monday, December 19, 2011

Scottie Haiku Contest Winner and submissions

We have a winner for the Scottie Haiku contest. The winner was drawn at random by Tess. All of the entries were fantastic. I will do another contest in January or February.

Here is the winning Haiku. Bob Brown, you have one week to contact me. If not, then Tess will redraw.

Wooly scot with horn
Wooly tied with ribbon worn
Wooly blackface girl
~Bob Brown

Here are all the submissions.

Queen of the flock stands
Spying the dog down the field
Much to cute for this.

Some dogs look pretty
Border Collie works his sheep
Same from ages past
~Karen (Terrecar)

Wooly scot with horn
Wooly tied with ribbon worn
Wooly blackface girl
~Bob Brown

Festive wooly sheep
Wears a bow for holidays
Warm in winter coat
~Karen (Terrecar)

Come bye, and away,
Working Scotties in the morning,
That'll do, good dog.

Look, smug scotty ewe
That tricked my young dog
You be a pie soon.
~ Tea- T Yamamoto

gibbous golden shine
blackness and a curving horn
rain-soaked cloud below
~ geonni banner

Scottie, oh Scottie,
why pink ribbon on your head?
Annoyance abounds.
~ Siriusly K-9

Scottie never meant
to become laughing stock of
DeltaBluez Haiku.

Would rather be held
in place by DeltaBluez Tess
than playing dress up.

lol plenty
this can not be the end y'all
There's too much to say

I couldn't resist
and sorrow of all sorrows
I could continue

Take a bow and leave.
My Haiku becomes silly.
Point taken and more.
~Lynnette (KelliePup)

Scottie pretty Scottie
where the heck is doggy
hanging from bow
~ Ewenique Border Collies

 Tinseled wooly plaits
Ribbon-orange adorned blackface
Golden eyes beckon

Paws twitch, run in sleep
Little yips escape your lips
Dream my heart dog, dream
~ bn_here_b4

All I want is sleep
Not a border collie creep
The job is over
~Agile Seek

 Wool plays in the breeze
It flirts beyond all the trees
Black face so divine
~Agile Seek

Rugged, rough and wild
Delightful, and full of style
The bow on my head
~Agile Seek

Scottie you are cute
You have a red bow to boot
What pretty green eyes
~Agile Seek

Email down

If anyone of you folks have been trying to email me since last night, well, my hosting company servers are down. There is not an ETA for when it will work. So hang tight and as soon as it is resolved, I will update this blog. If it is urgent then email me on facebook or leave a comment in this post.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Getty's Christmas cheer to you

Each year, Getty does a Christmas video! And so, it is time for the 2011 video. 


Saturday, December 17, 2011

Kirchgessner Trial Dec 17th - Unoffical results

Tomorrow I will post details on the runs. I am wiped out and going to bed early so this is what you are going to get!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Kirchgessner Trial Dec 17th Run Order


1. Erin O'Brien Z
2. Joe Haynes Keally
3. Jeanne Boudrieau Rocky
4. Cheryl Munson Cooper
5. Diane Pagel Maid
6. Heather Haynes Lad
7. Maggi McClure Kep
8. Bonnie Block Gull
9. JB Brick Scamp
10. Dawn Pucci Bran
11. Benjamin Kercsmar Nick
12. Brian Ricards Doc
13. Maggi McClure Rob
14. Lynne Green Kurt
15. Sandy Johnson Joe
16. Dick Wilson Raygan
17. Gael Gann Chili
18. T Yamamoto Sweep
19. Diane Pagel Nan
20. Cheryl Munson Flint
21. Maggi McClure Lil
22. Joe Haynes Penny
1. Jeanne Boudrieau Moses
2. Cheryl Munson Mirk
3. Maggi McClure Moses
4. Sandy Johnson Nell
5. Kathleen Torkelson Gael
6. Tanya Treat Mick
7. Diane Pagel Sava
8. Joe Haynes Spot
9. Jim Kling Rodeo
10. Benjamin Kercsmar Hoot
11. JB Brick Dodge
12. Pamela Harding Caymus
13. Lynne Green Lexie
14. Kathleen Torkelson Emma
15. Diane Pagel Rainey

1. T Yamamoto Taw
2. Liz Stenning Crick
3. Kylo Murray Gann Mike
4. Kendall Houghland Charm
5. Bonnie Block Bob

1. Paulette Smith Oli
2. Sarah Christensen Mica
3. Valerie Bernard Fion

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Scottie Haiku - update

Here are the entries so far for thee Haiku contest. You still have time to enter as the deadline is Dec 17th. The original blog is here.

The Haikus are amazing. Such a talent group of writers. I am sure glad that tess is going to do the pick than me. Keep them coming!

Some dogs look pretty
Border Collie works his sheep
Same from ages past
~Karen (Terrecar)

Some dogs look pretty
Border Collie works his sheep
Same from ages past
~Karen (Terrecar)

Wooly scot with horn
Wooly tied with ribbon worn
Wooly blackface girl
~Bob Brown

Festive wooly sheep
Wears a bow for holidays
Warm in winter coat
~Karen (Terrecar)

Come bye, and away,
Working Scotties in the morning,
That'll do, good dog.

Look, smug scotty ewe
That tricked my young dog
You be a pie soon.
~ Tea- T Yamamoto

gibbous golden shine
blackness and a curving horn
rain-soaked cloud below
~ geonni banner

Scottie, oh Scottie,
why pink ribbon on your head?
Annoyance abounds.
~ Siriusly K-9

Scottie never meant
to become laughing stock of
DeltaBluez Haiku.

Would rather be held
in place by DeltaBluez Tess
than playing dress up.

lol plenty
this can not be the end y'all
There's too much to say

I couldn't resist
and sorrow of all sorrows
I could continue

Take a bow and leave.
My Haiku becomes silly.
Point taken and more.
~Lynnette (KelliePup)

Scottie pretty Scottie
where the heck is doggy
hanging from bow
~ Ewenique Border Collies

Tinseled wooly plaits
Ribbon-orange adorned blackface
Golden eyes beckon

Paws twitch, run in sleep
Little yips escape your lips
Dream my heart dog, dream
~ bn_here_b4

All I want is sleep
Not a border collie creep
The job is over
~Agile Seek

Wool plays in the breeze
It flirts beyond all the trees
Black face so divine
~Agile Seek

Rugged, rough and wild
Delightful, and full of style
The bow on my head
~Agile Seek

Scottie you are cute
You have a red bow to boot
What pretty green eyes
~Agile Seek

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

2011 World Sheepdog Champion Becca.

World Sheepdog Championships 2011, Irish winner Becca...what dreams are made of!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Hunting Safety or Shot by your dog!

When I was growing up, my father used to take me hunting. I remember no loaded guns in the truck and safety lock on at all times. Perhaps this guy should take the basic firearm class over again?


A Florida man has become the second hunter in two weeks to be shot by his own dog. Billy E Brown, 78, was driving to go deer hunting when his bulldog, Eli, managed to discharged a rifle into his leg.

He had been heading for a deer hunting spot in Pasco County with a friend when he was shot in the thigh, reports Fox News.

Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission spokesman Gary Morse said: "His friend was riding next to him in the front seat, with the dog and the gun in between them."

As the trio drove down a rough limestone road, Eli "got excited in the truck" and knocked against the rifle, firing off a round. Hit just above the right knee, Brown was rushed to hospital in Tampa where he underwent surgery. His condition is described as stable.

Late last month, a Utah hunter was shot in the buttocks by his dog during a botched duck hunt. Doctors removed 27 pellets of bird shot from the 46-year-old's body following the mishap.


Monday, December 12, 2011

ABCA Video

This video was put out by the ABCA and shows how sheepdog trials relate to farm work.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Do not try this at home or the farm or anywhere else!

There are somethings you should NOT do wiht your teeth. Biting into  hard caramel apple is one, especially so, if you have braces. Biting someone's ears off, aka Tyson effect! But whatever you do, do not do the following. In case you are wondering, I use a bander.

On June 29, 2011, the Wyoming Department of Health was notified of two laboratory-confirmed cases of Campylobacter jejuni enteritis among persons working at a local sheep ranch. During June, two men had reported onset of symptoms compatible with campylobacteriosis. Both patients had diarrhea, and one also had abdominal cramps, fever, nausea, and vomiting. One patient was hospitalized for 1 day. Both patients recovered without sequelae. During June, both patients had participated in a multiday event to castrate and dock tails of 1,600 lambs. Both men reported having used their teeth to castrate some of the lambs. Among the 12 persons who participated in the event, the patients are the only two known to have used their teeth to castrate lambs. During the multiday event, a few lambs reportedly had a mild diarrheal illness. Neither patient with laboratory-confirmed illness reported consumption of poultry or unpasteurized dairy products, which are common sources of exposure to C. jejuni. The patients resided in separate houses and did not share food or water; none of their contacts became ill.

Both patients provided stool specimens for laboratory testing; C. jejuni was isolated from each. The pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) patterns of the isolates were indistinguishable when restricted separately by two enzymes, SmaI and KpnI. This PFGE pattern had never been reported among 667 specimens from which C. jejuni was isolated in Wyoming and is rare in CDC's PulseNet* database, with a frequency of 0.09% (8 of 8,817). The low frequency of this PFGE pattern suggests that both patients were infected from a common source.

Animals at the ranch included sheep, cattle, horses, cats, and dogs; none were ill during the site visit on October 19 when investigators obtained fecal samples from five lambs. C. jejuni was isolated from two lambs; one isolate had a PFGE pattern indistinguishable from the two human isolates. C. jejuni is transmitted via the fecal-oral route; this is the first reported association of C. jejuni infection with exposure during castration of lambs. The PFGE pattern identified in these cases had not been associated with animal exposure. Ranch owners and employees were advised to use standardized, age-specific techniques for lamb castration (e.g., Burdizzo, rubber rings, or surgery) and to wash their hands thoroughly after contact with animals


Saturday, December 10, 2011

Dec 10 Trial Wrap-up

I will do my trial wrap up soon and post videos. Here is the wrap-up from Sue MacDonald. Thanks to George and Sue for hosting a wonderful trial.


All I can say is WOW! Lot's of first today, but I'll get to that soon!

First thank you to our judge Ian Caldicott, doing a great job. And to ALL the folks that did set out and scribed and a special thank you to Jeanne Boudrieau for helping me sort out the score sheets! Without ALL of you, we couldn't host these trials FOR you. As usual, you finished off all the lunch stuff, good job! Kathleen Torkelson, thanks for the extra sweeties you brought. They were absolutely delicious!

Weather was perfect this morning, got a little damp, but not bad in the afternoon. Some highlights of the day, last team out in open, won the day, congratulations to Donna Donahue and Kate. Congratulations to Jeanne Boudrieau and Moses for their win in Pro Novice! Woo Hoo!

Congratulations to Sue MacDonald and Avie for winning the nursery class and to Bonnie Block and Bob for their 3rd place in nursery, their first ever trip on a big course! Nice job!

AND to Jane Hickman and Rachel and Heidi Hanson for their 1st and 2nd places in ranch. Great job, both of you! And since we are still talking about first's, congratulations to Kathleen Torkelson and Josh on their big win in novice.

So on to the placings of the day.

Open course was pretty straight forward, left hand drive, but with a small twist on the last leg of the drive. There was a Y chute placed half way between the last drive gate and the shed ring, The chute was to be taken as a pen and had to be completed before you could move on to the shed ring. Three sheep were run, so a single was done at the end.
100 points possible and 20 teams to the post, 7 1/2 minutes to do it in.

1. Donna Donahue and Kate 4-0-3-12-0-2 79
2. Bob Hickman and Trooper 2-0-3-8-6-8 73
3. Jim Cooper and Zot 0-0-7-14-0-10 69 nice job without the single!
4. Bob Hickman and CBK Mojo 0-0-5-13-6-10 66 ditto!
5. Diane Pagel and Maid 4-1-7-17-5-3 63 not bad considering she's had this dog for about a month!
6. Jim Cooper and Sweep 2-1-3-14-10-10 60
7. Diane Pagel and Nan 1-0-9-20-0-0 60 first dog on the field for the day.
8. Jeanne Boudrieau and Rocky 6-3-6-11-6-10 58 Good job Jeanne!
9. Sue MacDonald and Jan 1-1-5-18-9-10 56 what the heck happened to my drive??? Could it be handler error? Yep!!
10. Gael Gann and Chili 0-1-6-20-10-10 53
11. Bonnie Block and Gull 1-3-8-20-9-10 49
12. Tim Ballard and Nell 9-3-6-22-1-10 49
13. JB Brick and Scamp 0-1-19-21-4-10 45
14. Jim Cooper and Amos 1-2-16-12-1-10 44
15. Judy Norris and Glee 2-2-17-25-0-10 44
16. Hope Harris and Tigr 0-3-6-30-10-10 41
17. Sue MacDonald and Jackie 2-6-16-24-1-10 41
18. T Yamamoto and Sweep The Broom 5-3-14-28-10-10 40
19. Donna Donahue and Taff 0-1-6-16- RT
20. George MacDonald and Nap 2-9- DQ Three sheep George, three sheep.

No course changing since we had all the courses set up on the field.  But we did have shorter drives, threw out the chute and had them do a pen. 19 teams to the post, 90 points possible and 5 minutes to get it done.

1. Jeanne Boudrieau and Moses!! 0-1-4-9-0 76
2. Wrong flank Bob Hickman and CBK Ryder 0-0-2-20-2 66
3. Sue MacDonald and Avie (owned by Susan Risner) 0-0-4-24-0 62
4. Judy Norris and Kasey 0-3-13-18-0 56
5. Kathleen Torkelson and Emma 3-2-3-24-2 56
6. Fran Macpherson and Mirk 3-1-11-18-3 54 Fran gets the longest haul award. 11 hours to get here!
7. Cindy Baker and Brill 12-0-8-20-0 50
8. Nora Linbo and Joe 4-1-5-21-10 49
9. Vicki Romero and Skye 1-1-13-26-0 49
10. Fran Macpherson and OK Jud 16-5-9-13-0 47
11. Kathleen Torkelson and Gael 2-2-17-24-0 45
12. Diane Pagel and Rainey 8-5-14-14-5 44
13. Vicki Romero and Blitz 9-8-11-21-0 41
14. Diane Pagel and Sava 3-1-10-30-10 36
15. Ron Fischer and Steve 1-1-13-30-10 35
16. Dave Larson and Denali 1-2-15-30-10 32
17. Nora Linbo and Nick 3-3-15-30-10 29
18. JB Brick and Dodge 8-2-15-30-10 25
19. Cindy Baker and Finn 0-0- oops! DQ

Nursery ran on the same course as Pro Novice. 5 teams to the post same time same points possible.

1. Sue MacDonald and Avie (owned by Susan Risner) 1-2-3-15-10 59
2. Ron Green and Kiki 2-3-8-20-0 57
3. Bonnie Block and Bob 10-4-5-14-1 56
4. Ron Green and Chavo 2-1-6-30-10 41
5. Ron Green and Vande 19-RT

Ranch teams up next, with a shortened outrun, and shortened drives. Drives worth 20 points so 80 points possible. Right hand drive, which caused some problems for some since all the other classes ran left. 4 minutes to finish. 8 teams to then post.

1. Jane Hickman and Rachel 2-3-6-13-0 57 Great job Jane!
2. Heidi Hanson and Bruce 6-3-15-3-2 51 Nice job Heidi!
3. Kendall Houghland and Charm 2-2-7-18-6 45
4. Bonnie Block and Bob 9-1-8-10-10 42 Looks just like his daddy...
5. Alison Deilke and Socks 19-9-16-RT
6. Dave Larson and Raven 10-5-13-18-4 30
7. T Yamamoto and Taw 10-7-12-28-10 23
8. Liz Stenning and Crick Big oops! DQ

Right into Novice Novice with no drives, 60 points possible 3 minutes to get the job done!

1. Kathleen Torkelson and Josh 5-2-1-2 50
2. Pam Robinson and Ginger 5-0-7-0 48 Woo Hoo!
3. Susan Risner and Nevi 2-1-8-2 47 with a frozen body and brain Susan said
4. Missy Burnett and Maddie 12-3-3-2 40 you're doing alright. Missy! Hang in there!

So there you have it! The last of the MacDonald's winter trials. Thank you all for your support, we enjoyed having you all join us. Now our girls (sheep) can have a months break before lambing begins!

Happy holidays and see you all soon at a trial down the road!

Sue and George

Friday, December 9, 2011

Eweful Acres Dec 10 Trial Run Order


1. Diane Pagel and Nan
2. Jim Cooper and Sweep
3. George and Nap
4. Bonnie Block and Gull
5. Bob Hickman and CBK Mojo
6. Tim Ballard and Nell
7. Donna Donahue and Taff
8. Sue Mac and Jan
9. Judy Norris and Glee
10. Gael Gann and Chili
11.Jim Cooper and Zot
12. T Yamamoto and Sweep the Broom
13. Jeanne B and Rock
14. JB and Scamp
15. Hope Harris and Tigr
16. Sue Mac and Jackie
17. Jim Cooper and Amos
18. Diane Pagel and Maid
19. Bob Hickman and Trooper
20. Donna Donahue and Kate

1. Fran Macpherson and Mirk
2. T Yamamoto and Taw
3. Vicki Romero and Skye
4. Cindy Baker and Brill
5. Nora Linbo and Joe
6. Diane and Sava
7. Kathleen T and Emma
8. Jeanne B and Moses
9. Dave Larson and Denali
10. Vicki Romero and Blitz
11. Ron Fischer and Steve
12. JB and Dodge
13. Diane P and Rainey
14. Fran and OK Jud
15. Bob H and CBK Ryder
16. Judy Norris and Kasey
17. Cindy Baker and Finn
18. Nora Linbo and Nick

1. Ron Green and K'ass
2. Sue Mac and Avie
3. Ron Green and Chavo
4. Hope Harris and ???
5. Ron Green and Kiki

1. Jane Hickman and Rachel
2. Bonnie Block and Bob-Robert
3. Sue Mac and Avie
4. Alison D and Socks
5. Kendall and Charm
6. Liz S. and Crick
7. Dave Larson and Raven
8. Heidi Hanson and Bruce
9. Hope Harris and ????
10. Sue M and Repete

1. Pam R and Ginger
2. Susan Risner and Nevi
3. Missy B and Maddie

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Scottie Haiku Contest

Ground rules for the Haiku contest.

1. Haiku, 5 syllables in first verse, seven syllables in second verse and last verse is 5 syllables.
2. Enter your Haiku in the comment section
3. All Haikus will be put in hat and drawn out by Tess (random win)
4. I will post all the Haikus in a future blog (please give me your name, First name minimum)
5. Contest end on December 17 at 6:00 p.m.
6. Look below for the Scottie photo for your Haiku
7. You can enter as many times as you want, but you only get one name in the hat.
8. I will post the winner in a future blog and you must contact me in three days or it goes to second pick.
9. Anyone can enter but North America folks names will be drawn, due to postage rates.
10. If you win, you should try to continue this contest by having a contest of your own.

Prize: "Sheepdogs At Work by Tony Iley. This is an original 1978, by Dalesman Books, Clapham, Yorks.
The book is from my private library collection. It is an out of print, hard to find book. I can ship to North America. If you are from the outside of North America, you can enter your Haiku but shipping is to prohibitive for me to ship outside of North America. North America is US and Canada.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Many Thanks to Julie for the prize

Wow, I won a prize. Seriously!!

Last prize I won was about 30 years ago when I won canned ham from our local grocery store and we had it for Christmas.  Since then I have entered in numerous contests only to be told, "Thanks for trying, please enter again".  What a great email to read today!,

Julie of "I Love Lucy and Friends" had a contest. I entered and won a gift certificate to Border Collies in Action. That is so cool! I am so excited.  I am not sure what I am going to get as I want several items but this weekend I will be getting my goodies!

Many Thanks to Julie for offering this gift. I really appreciate it. She did it out of the kindness of her heart.

Have you read her blog recently? Her blog on "How our Kelpie Saved our Christmas" is a very touching story. She lets you peek in her childhood and as you read the story, you can see the brave little Kelpie named Risky. This sheds light on why she has a Kelpie. It's a heartwarming story and if you haven't read it, I highly suggest that you do!

Click on the links above to go to her blog!
Now, I am going to offer a contest tomorrow. I figure what goes around, comes around.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

One Hundred Sheep - Part Two of Two

We moved the sheep to the new pasture. Then I had Rainey put the flock into the corner and hold them. Several times, a ewe would charge at her but she held her ground. Some tried to bolt but she tucked them in. It was a good exercise for her and by the end she was quite confident.

These great photos are by Wayne Seward.

Each ewe would eye her and try to size her up.

 The Border Cheviots were especially tough. One ewe loved to challenge her again and again.

 Rainey holding fast and she never backed down.

This is the tough cookie that loved to take a run at Rainey. By the end, she decided to behave. They have never seen a dog before.

 Rainey holding the line and thinking. I am not sure about what though.

 This was the one step forward and one step back routine.

Josh, the flock owner. He was kind enough to let us work his flock. He also rents out goats for brush control. I will do a blog on him on that business shortly. His sheep are in fantastic shape. I really appreciate that we were able to train out dogs on the undogged sheep. They were certainly a real challenge!


Tony, the Katahdin ram, meets Rainey

He has the two Suffolks quite tame. They are nice and very square. Probably the best Suffolks that I have ever seen.

 Josh halter breaks his sheep. This one took only a few hours. She is very tame.

Looking at Rainey! 

Not only this ewe was built like a rock, she was very colorful. 

I love the color of this ewe. 

Mutton busting! 

Many colors on a dull winter day. 

Holding them tight on the fence. The sheep began to yield to her. 

And that was the end of the 100 sheep exercise.