
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

On the River Lap Warmer

What trial is not complete without my lapwarmer? So what that is was over 90 degrees and humid. A retired Border Collie has to critique the runs!!

Tess on my lap on Saturday of trial. She was watching the ProNovice runs. See that she is smiling. The runs are doing great.

She approves of Ursula and her run with Pete. That was a nice run.

The run is over and she is ready to get off the lap. Tess sees that people have lunch and she is off to see if she can get a bite. She managed to get s few bits of lunch from several people.

In case you think that all she does is be a lapdog and get handouts, that's not quite true. She moved the flock (120 sheep) from the exhaust to the setout and put them in with the help of Kristi and Lou. She also got the runaways sheep that bolted to the highway during the PN runs.

However, that hardest job that she has is being the bed warmer at night. She still is the best pillow thief. Some things never change.

I'll post the results as soon as I get them.

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