
Sunday, March 1, 2015

Sunday Shearing

The first Sunday in March is our shearing day. We not only do shearing but worming, vaccinations and hoof trimming....the full meal deal. Plus we check on the condition of the ewes since they are laming or close to lambing.
This year we lambed early for most of the flock to have lambs ready for Easter. Since the winter was mild, it was not an issue. Usually we lamb at the end of March.  Next year I will have the ewes set up so half will lamb in January/February and the other half in the end of March. Since I dropped from 65 breeding ewes to 25 breeding ewes, the lambing has been a lot easier. I don't breed about 5 so we have working sheep.
Since I have been going through chemo and been very sick, I have been banned from the barn and sheep duties. But the shearing crew has been doing the shearing duties for years so they pretty much have it down pat.  I was on lunch detail with the spouse so everyone got fed after shearing.
I did sneak down to say "howdy" to Eifion the shearer. We have been friends for probably 10 or so years. I stayed at his place about 8 years ago when I was in Wales.
 Eifion and I chatting away,

Wayne, the sheep wrangler.  He is a pro.

Vet Audrey and Vet Diane and Kathleen at the table.

Eifion and me. Love the hug. Mike is in the background and this was his first time.

Audrey doing the vax, Kathleen doing the notes and Diane doing the hooves. Love the tilt table.

Eifion does a ewe in about 2 minutes. Then he runs them down the alleyway to be loaded in the table. After a set was done, then Kathleen and her Kelpie. Josh moved the flock to the appropriate pasture. I heard the Dorper ram was a pill and had to visit the cars. I teased Diane about the ram being in her new ruff tuff crate.
They did 40 sheep in about 2 hours. Then we had lunch and had good laughs. Then everyone (besides me) went and worked nekkid sheep. The sheep were in excellent shape, some a little more so! Once shed of the wool, the ewes were a lot lighter and fun to work.
Thanks to the best shearing crew. Tim (who took the pixs), Vet Audrey and Diane. Kathleen, Wayne and Mike. And of course, Eifion, the fastest shearer and eye-candy to boot!

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