
Saturday, September 6, 2014

LaCamas Sheepdog trial

I am playing catchup with my blog so the posts will be a lot shorter. I entered Maid and Nan in Open and Nikki in PN. But a few days before the trial, Nikki got a foot injury and had to be pulled. So Maid, Nan and Boldt went to the trial with me in the trailer. Boldt is the five month old pup from DeltaBluez Dan and out of Imp Sava. I brought him to get socialized and show him to Bob and Rochelle. Rochelle ended up getting him for herself and I think he will suit her as he is a wise old soul and wants to please but wont be pushed about. Super quick learner and after a day at the trial, was Mr. Social Butterfly.

Nan ran well but she struggled in trying to settle the lamb and would slice the bubble which cause them to bounce a bit on the drive. She could get the shed nor pen so we did poorly on the first run. Maid ran out nice and was decent on the fetch and my spirits began to lift up when one lamb who had been testing her, took a run for the judge's table where she gripped it in splendid style for a DQ. Sigh!

On the second run, Nan had nice outwork and only a 7 point loss drive, got the shed and was closing the gate when time ran out. She landed about 19th for that day's run and I was happy. Maid ran the next day and she had her listening hat on and tried to do right by me. Nice outwork and only lost 12 on the drive when I over flanked her to put the sheep for a pull through and got the shed and pen under a minute. Most people had a hard time getting the shed and the pen was all but hopeless but Maid showed her merit and did both in rapid fire. I was very  happy with her and she glowed with delight after her run. She placed 19th and would have gotten around 12th or so aside by bad error.

I took a ton of photos and will post them later.

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