Work and life got in the way of the blog. so this one is very late. January has been a crazy month. My Uncle Ben died so that was hard to deal with. We went to the funeral and I spoke. It was tough and he was an inspiration for us when we were growing up. We moved to Port Angeles, WA in 1968 and then my father went to the Vietnam war and was gone for a few years. So Uncle Ben stepped in and helped raised us. Aunt Judy and Uncle Ben were the other Asian folks in town, so the family adopted each other. We all grew up over the years and spent many hours at their house. They are family. The stories I could tell but won't. So that pretty much made January sad month.
Ran the girls at trial. Did good at one then my drives fell apart at the other one. I needed to fouls more and let it slip and paid the price. maid has been super biddable and not fighting me. In fact, she has been bending over backwards to please me. I really enjoy her and the last two trials, she beat Nan. She would have done better aside from she had a handler who was asleep at the wheel.
I got a new dog. her name is Nikki and I will post on her this weekend. I am not going to run her until we feel like a team. She is super nice and really trying to partner up with me. More later.
We had a bit of cold spell here. It even got into the single digits which is unusual for us. Don't laugh at us, you folks from Canada who think nothing of single digit or negative digit weather. The bright to the cold weather was that I found out how fast I could do the daily feeding with out my dawdling. Maid, Nan and Rainey would potty and want back in than exploring. I guess they are spoiled housedogs now.
The sheep are all bred (cross my fingers) and should lamb out in March. I reduced my flock due to high hay prices and will build it up again. Alfalfa was over $300 a ton. In December I found a local source for third cutting round bales and setup delivery for that. That was a good move and will do that next year. I had done it before and the round bales that I had gotten were horrible. full of weeds, stemmy and the sheep didn't like them. But this guy had nice, green fine grass hay in the round bales and the sheep love it.
So I will be better at blogging but my wheels fell of my wagon this week!
Quality, not quantity. And yours is always good.