
Saturday, November 30, 2013

Thanksgiving and then some...

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite times of the year. We all gather together, eat, laugh and enjoy life.  We make a main dishes and a couple of side dishes and everyone brings a couple of side dishes. This year my mom and Aunt Kimiko, Nelson (brother), Jim, Audrey, Neal and Kathy Davis came over for dinner.
Kathy came up from Oregon  and spent over 11 hrs in getting here, a normal 8 hr drive. Apparently everyone was on the road on Thanksgiving Eve. Kathy is like my sister and we have been family for over 14 years. It was good to see her again. She came up to stay with me at a couple of trials this year. We used to trial together for many year until she moved to Medford, Or and life got in the way but we kept our deep friendship over the years.
As usual the spread was superb, roasted turkey, mashed potatoes/gravy, stuffing, green bean casserole, fruit salad, shrimp tempura and veggies, homemade cranberry sauce, sweet potatoes and yams, asparagus to name a few. Then to top it off we had chocolate pecan pie and Jim's tasty fruit salad (another one!)
We laughed and had a blast. It was relaxing and just fun. No cares, just hearing stories of days gone past, hopes for the future and thankful for each other's company.  Life is not about who has the biggest ego, who is better than you, who has more money,  It's about family, friendships, peace and living your life to the fullest. Some people don't realize this and that is so sad.
After dinner, we did the traditional feeding of the animals. I had a huge bag of bagels and my Mom, Aunt Kimiko and brother fed the sheep and chickens. The LGDs, Stella and Heidi got their fair share of treats as well.  My mom loves feeding the chickens,  I think I need to take a video sometime of this. The animals all love her and circle her to get fed. Some of the sheep follow her up and down the fenceline, working my mom for extra treats,  They got that and then some more.
Of course, the dogs all got goodies as well. Thanksgiving to them means extra turkey and leftovers. But I made sure the leftover were meat and not fried items.  But they managed to do well in the treat department. The girls all love my mom and Aunt Kimiko. I let them get away with a lot but it make me happy to see my mom so joyful.  Beside I don't want to make her mad at me as I don't want to lose my treat source as well!
Soon evening began to creep upon the landscape and everyone began the long trek home. Finanly the night belonged to Getty, Kathy and me. We ate more dessert and watched TV. It was nice to catch up and leave the daily work grind behind. 
I took Friday off as vacation and worked my dogs. Nikki, my new dog, ran well for me. I will update more on her later. Maid was happy to be the backup dog. I used Nan and Rainey for backup lessons dogs and Emma to do chores. Kathy worked Teyla, Aussie, on the big flock and she did well.  The weather was warm and sunny and in the end, we sat outside and watched the sheep graze on the round bales.
In the end, it was a relaxing and well needed holiday with family and good friends. we all need to slow down and relax more and see what really is important. Sometimes we forget about that in out mad rush to get ahead.
Hope you had a wonderful holiday with your loved ones.

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