
Saturday, November 9, 2013

Kirchgessner Winter Trial Open results

Well, again, I woke up in darkness, stumbled around in the kitchen, got my coffee ready and then left it. I am so not a morning person. Stumbled out to the truck and did remember Maid and Nan. Open was first and Lorri was the judge. We had four lambs, born this March (?) and no ewes. They were young, foolish and feisty and runners. Great to work.
Nan was third up and I went her on the away side and didn't touch her until she had them coming down the field. She was nice, but a little pushy but I got her settled.  Nice turn and first leg, hit the first panels, nice crossdrive then scooped low on the second panel. The second panel was in view of the forest trail and they wanted to bolt down the trail so you had to be aware. We had to stay at the post and take the sheep to the ring which was off to the left. Shed, pen and a single.  we had to finagle and got the shed, finally ending up with the two in front. These lambs did not want to part and would right then to the left. We worked them slowly into the pen of death and that was tough. I called her in for a single and she reached down to grab the ass to move the lamb along so I shouted her out and we got dinged for that. The next call, she flew in and held the lamb. She was first until she was bumped out near the end and landed in second place with a 86.
Maid was near the end and ran out well. She was nice on the fetch but the lambs were runners with no leaders  and  the lambs slipped to the side of the fetch panels. We got them back on line and a nice turn. Then they bolted off towards the first panels and Maid was not causing it but I got her in position but they had missed the panels. I gave her a away flank but she took them up the field so I stopped her and she recovered and tucked them back online.  The last half of the crossdrive was nice but we missed the panel. She had a sweet shed and held them tightly before the lamb could figure out what happened. I had them near the mouth of the pen and Maid was covering her side when two burst around me, followed by the last two, to the exhaust. Maid got them back and I told her to ne nice as she was pissed at them but she was well behaved and calmed down. We finally got them in and marched them in the ring to do the single. Maid showed that she was a rock star and got the single and held like a trout on a fishing line, no escape, dance all you want but you are mine. She got a perfect single and a score of 78. The two missed panels and extra bobble at the first panel cost us dearly but she listened well and tried for me. She placed 6th. Each time we just get more connected and trust each other.
Unofficial Scores
I left and had lunch with Doc (Vet) Bob, He ran Spike in PN and had a smooth sweet run.   They did not have the PN scores up so I don't have those. When I do, I will update this post.
Maid taking a dip after her run. She was quite pleased with herself.

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