
Saturday, September 28, 2013

17th annual Trailing of the Sheep

This is a great article....
First it was the running of the bulls in Spain: Now it is the trailing of the sheep in Idaho. Who would have ever thought the 150-year plus cultural tradition could be so much fun?
Now it's possible to experience the thrill of sheep being herded through town streets as they are relocated from high-elevation mountain summer pastures to their lower-altitude winter grazing haunts in the valleys below. With a wall of white wool everywhere, it doesn't get any more authentic than this!
The 17th annual Trailing of the Sheep Festival will take place from October 10-13, 2013 in the Wood River Valley of Idaho - which includes the communities of Hailey, Ketchum and the well-known ski-resort town of Sun Valley. Celebrate sheep-herding traditions and dancing plus music with Basque, Scottish, Polish and Peruvian twists. Family-friendly activities include a folklife fair, culinary classes featuring lamb, a fiber festival, sheep tales gathering, sheepdog trials, a sheepherders ball, and the running of 1,500 sheep trailing down Main Street Ketchum.
And it's only in Idaho.


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