
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

LaCamas Sheepdog Trial

Well, I just pulled in a few hours ago after working like a mad women at work to get a project done! Almost done but will finish it tomorrow but at least I am at the trial. Parked in my regular spot and Bob and Rochelle are next to me. It's going to be hot but not as hot as last year. This year they changed the format to three one-day trials so more people can get it. What a great idea!
Have the camera and since I am not running any PN dogs, I only have to worry about running the two Open dogs so I have more time. I am really relaxed now after a totally stressful last two days, at work and the farm.
Not much to write right now but expect tons of info tomorrow. I ran Nan around spot 31 or so. The Maid and Nan on Friday and then Maid on Sat. I plan to see Bob, Rochelle and Janet's PN runs.
Off to make tea and read a good book! Something I haven't done in ages.

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