
Friday, May 31, 2013

Off to Turner Sheepdog Trial

Janet and I are headed down (as in now) to Turner,  OR for a one day sheepdog trial. It's part of the local fair and quite fun.  They have a parade also. Rainey ran very well last year in PN and got High Overall and a cool chair. Maid and Nan supported the other dogs in Open. I am only going to run Nan and Maid in Open.  Janet is going to run Sava and Jude in PN. Janet did all the travel arrangements, something she is spectacular at, where as last time I booked a hotel (with Kathy Davis) we had our own ant farm in the bedroom. Plus the non-smoking room section BUT the neighbor's next door, stood in our doorway and smoked outside so their smoke came into our room. They left quickly once when I opened the door and they were there (I knew that) and smartly said, "Can I help you?"...meaning go smoke in front of your room door! I think my lip curl was key.
Jane got us a high class hotel that had a breakfast and real coffee. She has it all planned out and I have to do is be ready at 5:00 pm with dogs, overnight bag, cook, whistle and camera. She has the rest covered including the snackies. She gets the best snackie where as I get the dull and boring stuff. Not to mention, I have a temp cap on my front tooth,  so I can not use the front tooth until I get my cap net week. I think she got me old people food though....oatmeal, gruel and water (just kidding). Seriously, she texted me the snackie list and I bet I will have my part all devoured by the time we leave the Carnation city limits. She scored bonus points as she got me root beer. That is my weakness!
I will be offline until Sunday and maybe (or not) be able to answer emails. wish us luck. Oh, yes, I sure hope she remembered to plot the side trip home to VooDoo Doughnuts. Those are well worth the side trip!
That reminds me to pack my size bigger than I am wearing now pants for the ride home.  Amazing how those doughnuts can expand the waistline in two minutes. Doughnuts are considered dinner, right?
Be sure to wish Janet Thorpe, "Happy Birthday" as it is today. I am going to take her out for dinner, her choice as she probably will put the kibosh on Arby's for her dinner.

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