
Sunday, September 30, 2012

USBCHA Sunday Final Round

It’s a cool crisp morning on this fine Sunday, low 40’s and Sunny. We are getting ready to watch the top 17 dogs in the Nation. For your information. The highest selling dog team, Scott Glenn and Don in the Calcutta sold for $1,375.00 The Canadians were distraught that they were out bid at the last minute. They were bought by the Oregon gangsters. Lead by Ernesta.
Kit Doyle and Lyle Lad are blogging.
Bev Lambert and Joe ( 2 yrs. Old) Sponsored by; Judith and Ted Parker
Joe heads out deep and wide. He’s well behind the sheep. Looking good. Right behind the sheep. Nice lift. Starting to bring a little fast, and straight to Beverly. Bev is trying to get Joe to listen. He’s doing well for a young dog, but still hasn’t got him to the fetch panels yet. Line is looking better. Trying to cross drive to the fetch panels. Now she’s driving them up the field. It’s a long drive to the fetch. She’s still cross driving, and lining them up to the fetch. Looking good on the fetch. Lined up with the panels. She’s made the fetch and now she needs to try to get the sheep to the orange cone. She’s redirecting them behind, he’s not taking the direction. Now she’s turning them around. Joe won’t let go of his first lot. Joe looks, and is wanting to go back to the first lift location. Joe gets the call, and is finally turned back to the second lot. With 21 min. 40 sec. on the clock. He’s having a real nice lift on the second lot. He’s bringing them straight to her. She’s having a great fetch. Online and moving well. She made her second fetch. Nicely done. Her first lot are down by the exhaust, so she’ll have to send Joe over to get them. He see’s them and he’s going. 17 min. and Joe is bringing first lot to the second. That patiently waiting and not even eating. The two lots are now joined and Joe works to bring them around the post. Really nice tight turn. As Bev lines them up for the first drive. Drive is starting out well. Half way through the drive and the sheep are straight on line. Joe is working hard to keep the group, and they have made the first drive panel with beautiful tight turn. Joe starts pushing the sheep back across the field. Cross drive is looking good and online. Sheep are moving at a steady trot. The sheep are going low and joe pressure’s them through the panels. The turn is nice and a good line to the shed ring and the sheep are moving briskly and well collected. Bev is doing well on the time 12 min 15 sec.s on the clock as the sheep start to enter the ring. Bev prepares to shed her 5 collared sheep in the ring. Bev is working on getting a sizable group off. She used Joe to drive off 7 of the 20. And moves back to the ring for the shed. Border collie is working hard to help Bev make the shed. It appears that Joe has gripped one of the ewe’s and the judges calls Bev and joe off. DQ
Pam Boring and Mirk (9 yr. old) Sponsored by; Stanley Helsley and Gourley Eliason
Sheep are there. Mirk has spotted them. Judges are getting in order.
Sent off, gathers to the right. The out run, dog has passed the wheel line on to the other field. Now into the rough. Pam calls to re-direct and call him in for a second time. Mirk is up high on in the tall dry stubble coming in high. Mirk will need a good brushing after this run. She’s calling to bring him down into the green field where the sheep are patiently awaiting the lift. We have lost sight of Mirk. He has run real high on the grassy knoll. Pam is calling and calling to bring Mirk down and she is successful. Mirk has a nice lift and the sheep are on the move. 6 min. are spent to get the sheep. Dog is bringing them straight, and she calls to get them turned and headed to the fetch panel. The sheep are coming in high and Mirk covers to bring them straight through the panels. Mirk moves to drop this group and awaits the call to get the second lot. The sheep are trotting to the right side of the field and begin to graze. Mirk sits motionless near the cone. Dog is not taking the turn back. Sheep are near the exhaust. The dog looks, thinks, and starts to head out to the second lot. Then stops and turns to look at the first. Pam still have troubles getting Mirk to head out for the next lot. Mirk finally sees the sheep and starts to head out. He’s crossing over and now has turned to go back to the original set out. 17 min 40 seconds on the clock, and Mirk is still looking to the first lot. Dog is down near Pam, and the judges call it off. DQ
Don Helsley and Wizard Sponsored by; Slaven Ranch.
The sheep are headed down. The sheep are set. The first of two out runs is underway. Looking good so far. Nice trajectory. Good out run, staying out but with in the field. Doing good. Stopped short, whistle to re-direct. Good lift, but the dog is bringing the sheep straight. Wizard needs to turn them toward the fetch panels. Having a little trouble getting the sheep turned to the fetch panels. Wizard is covering well, looking good and getting online. Sheep are on a good line for the fetch panel and wizard flanks to get the sheep through the fetch. Sheep try to bolt up field and Wizard moves to cover. Wizard moves the sheep closer to the cone. Sheep are now at the cone, and Don signals to turn for the second lot. Wizard keeps fetching the sheep back to Don and will not take the turn back. Wizard looks back to see if the second lot are there, and stands still. 22:40 left on the clock, and Wizard is looking to the second lot. Wizard finally takes the whistle and heads out for the second lot. Taking a good line on the come by side. Second outrun for the next 10 is underway and Wizard if booking it to the upper grassy knoll. Second lift is very nicely done and the sheep are on a good line to the second fetch panels. Sheep come off line and Wizard pressures them to get back online. Nearing the half way point to the second fetch panels. A bit wobbly coming down to the second half. Sheep are trotting quickly to the panels and start to spread out a bit. Nice line sheep make the panels and head toward the handlers post. Both groups are being packaged together. Wizard is working hard to keep the flock tight and neat. Pretty nice turn around the post and they enter the ring. On a nice line for the first drive. A little zig zag and moving quickly to the drive panels. They make the drive panels and turn tight to the right, as the cross drive is underway. Coming a little low and making good time. 14:40 on the clock at the halfway point on the cross drive. Still a little low, Wizard turns them and they make the panels. Beautiful work by Don and Wizard. The turn is wide and bringing them a little fast into the shedding ring. Wizard eases back and the sheep enter quietly. Now begins the international shed. Got a good group off, keeper group headed out of the ring. Another group cut away. Don waves 4 away and the larger group tries to bolt from the ring. Wizard quickly flanks the flock and gets them back in the ring. Don lines up the lot and attempts the shed for the third time. Wizard is exhibiting great self control, as 4 more are discarded. One collared sheep keeps trying to break. 6:50 on the clock. 3 more leave the group. 2 more leave the collared group. Don patiently working with 2:20 on the clock. One left to peel away from the collared’s it’s on the outside now. 50 secs and one un collared left. And the clock stops him. One ewe just refused to leave the group. Score 317
Scott Glen and June (3 yr. Old) Sponsored by Monique Feyrcilde
Last years Canadian champion’s
Sheep are at the top of the field. Out run under way. June is going deep. Scott whistle’s 3 re-directs. Great lift, and starts out on a nice line. Re-directs to get back online. The fetch is not going well. It’s now way offline to the right. June has them back online and they head for the fetch panel. Lining up for the final push through the fetch panels. Sheep stop to graze. And they make the panels. June drops the first group and heads for the next lot. Scott calls her back to stop a cross over, and re sends her on the come by side. They’ll still be called for a cross over. But the second run out is looking good so far. She’s right behind them, but flanks over a bit. June lines up behind the sheep. The lift begins slow and steady, one or two ewe’s are being difficult. She pulls them back together and they are on their way. comeing to the left, headed far left near the nursery field. June keeps up the pressure and is slowly getting them to turn, wobbly down the field. Getting back online and then offline. Sheep are being difficult and wanting to graze.  Finally making progress toward the second fetch panels. Keeping a straight steady line. 17 minutes left, and they make the fetch panels. Moving quickly toward the ring June is called to get the 1st lot. Second lot heads away from the ring, making for a challenging collection of both flocks. June heads out for the 2nd lot, and drops in nicely behind them. One black headed ewe faces off June, there seems to be a battle for the water bucket. All the sheep are now gathered around the judges table, the judges are watching as June gets the sheep away from the trailer and back on course. They make the turn around the post with 12:20 on the clock. Nice tight turn. Sheep take a good line to the first drive panel and they move through the panelsas a nice tight group. Tidy turn around the panels. Starting out on a good line. Approaching the cross drive panel a little low, and they make the panels. Nice turn and headed to the shedding ring. The group enters the ring and Scott leaves the post to begin the shed. With 6:25 on the clock. Sheep are settled, June is focused. 9 sheep are cut away. The remaining sheep a little agitated. June is in the high pressure zone and the others are wanting to rejoin the group. Scott uses his crook to wave them away. 2 more to go and the shed will be complete. 3:58 . possible grip in the shedding ring, and the sheep bolt out of the ring. The judges are thinking. Still no remarks….. 1 minute on the clock. And they run out of time. Score is  93
I want to thank Lyle Lad for stepping in as needed to help with the blog. She has been tremendous help and we are so grateful for her. Lyle is humble, a kind person and a great hand. She is a wonderful person and a real joy. Give her thanks when you see her or send her an email.
Diane Pagel is back to blogging.

They just did the National Athem wiht Terry Parrish singing for the USA and Amanada Milliken singing for Canada. Both sang deeply and wiht passion. Wonderful! Just wonderful.

Now there are presenting the top 17 to the crowd. All lined up before the tent and looking sharp!

Patricia MacRae and Cap. Sponsored by Jennifer Chuang and Renne Newcomb.
 Cap has gone nice and wide to the right.  Patricia is dressed smartly in all black, and it patiently waiting for Cap to reach the sheep.  He is coming a little low, but cast out when he saw the sheep.  He looks a little flat.  He has a nice lift.  He is a little off line, but she is working hard to get them back online.  The sheep are online for the fetch panels.  The sheep have pulled a little bit hard to the left of the fetch panels, and Cap held the pressure, and tucked them through with precision.  She dropped the sheep off at the marker, gave Cap a lookback, and a flank, and he ran out like a champion.  He is going back nicely, well deep of the sheep.  Pulled up a little short for the lift, but fixed it right away.  She is right online for the fetch panels.  Cap is hearing her well.  (Suzy Applegate is stepping in for the blog while Diane takes care of interview problems).  Cap is holding the sheep right online.  He had a slight bobble ofline, and was slightly low, but is bringing them back online.  He looked like he was coming in to the fetch panels nicely, but just missed them with a runner leading the second packet of sheep right around the panels.  Cap brought both groups together nicely.  Very wide around the post.  Sheep visit the judges stand.  One ewe visits the cameraman.  Cap got them off the camera nicely.  One ewe has head for hay bales by the camera, then again by the handler’s post.  Line to the drive panels was  a little off to the left.  The sheep are getting a little heavier than they were earlier this morning.  He went right the the panels, and stopped just on the other side.  Then one ewe took them a little deep.  She looks like she keeps trying to head for food.  He has had a very nice cross drive.  The sheep are getting a little low for the second drive panels.  Cap is trying to head them back to the panels.  They keep trying to stop and graze.  He made the second drive panels.  They are headed nicely into the shedding ring.  The same ewe is looking for the hay again.  The sheep are in the shedding ring.  The problem ewe does not have a collar, so at least she can be shed off.  She made the first cut, but lost one collared ewe.  She has just over 8 minutes left.  All sheep are now out of the ring.  She gets them all back in at just 8 minutes on the clock.  6:43 on the clock and still no first cut.  She made a nice cut, the large group headed out of the ring, so she could not drive the cut sheep off before bringing the larger group back in.  Still no first cut.  They are all grazing now, making the collars harder to see.  She is now down to 4:30, still no first cut.  At the first cugt all sheep left the ring.  The cut sheep headed back to the exhaust.  Cap is tired, and went out to bring them ALL back, rather than just the collared group.  3 min left, and sheep are still not back in the ring, they are trying to eat at the judges stand.  Seems like dog gripped, but it was behind the judges stand, and was apparently appropriate, as he was not called on it.  Now 2 minutes left, and they are still working on getting the sheep back to the ring.  (Suzy Applegate is headed off to be interviewed, so Lori Perry has stepped in).  Less than 1 min and they are working their way to the shedding ring.   They have made it back to the shedding ring with about 20 seconds left on the clock.  She has run out of time in the shedding ring.    Score 427.5
Ray Coapman and Jill.  Sponsored by Jim Wilson Motors. 
Ray is setting Jill up for a right handed outrun, and he has sent her.  She is going out wide.  She is half way down the field, and still nice and wide.   She is a little bit low coming in, and he gives her a couple of redirects, sending her out wider.  She comes in at the top.  The sheep are spread out a bit, so she groups them together, then starts heading them down the field.  A nice lift.   They veer a little offline to the right.   They are pretty well offline now.  Ray continues to try to get her around to bring them back online.  She has now gotten around, and is starting to turn them.  They are headed back offline again, and Jill is working hard to try to push them back to the proper line.  She is doing a good job to keep them from getting offline again.  They come right through the fetch panels.  They are coming down steadily online to the post.  The are now headed offline to the right a bit.  Ray is trying to get her to go back for the second group now, but Jill is having trouble finding them.  She continues to head back to where the first group was.  The first group of sheep is now at the exhaust, and Jill is headed back to Ray at the handler’s post.  Ray has sent Jill around the first group at the exhaust to regather them and bring them back up.  It appears that he is trying to bring them back to the drop off point.  He has pushed them up field some, and is now attempting to get Jill to look back to the second group of sheep.  She keeps looking back, but not in the right direction.  She again starts to head where the first group was.  She is stopped again.  She is trying hard, but is quite confused about where to find the second group of sheep.  She started again back to where the first group was.  The judges have called her off.    No score (DQ).
Jack Knox with Jim.  Sponsored by Dee Marroni, Sirious Border Collies
Jack is spiffily dressed with a suit coat and tie.  He is trying to get Jim set up for a right handed outrun, but Jim was quite antsy to go without a set-up.   It appears that Jim has now spotted them.  He has sent Jim out to the right.  He went out nicely.  He heads in a little, and Jack redirects, but Jim continues to come in.  Jack stops him and sends him out again.  Jack gives another redirect.  The sheep lifted quickly and just a bit offline, but Jim gets them back online.  They headed offline again, but he has gotten them back online.  They try to head offline again, but Jim comes around to keep them online.  They are headed in nicely to the fetch gates.  Straight through the fetch panels.  Jim drops them off at the marker.  Jack asks Jim to lookback, which he does quickly, but then spins back around to his first group.  Jack has asked Jim to look back several times, but Jim is not taking it.  Jim finally takes his look back, but heads off to where the first group  was left.  Jim has crossed his line, but is now headed up to the correct area, but is headed into the rough.  Jack gets him headed back the right direction, but Jim stops a couple of times, looking back to his handler asking where his sheep are.,  He is now quite close to the sheep, but still looking to the wrong sidel  He was VERY close to them, but still not seeing them.  He finally saw them, but picked them up from the right hand side.   The sheep headed off to the left.  There is an independent thinker in the group who keeps trying to lead them off to the left.  They are coming down the field, but are way offline to the left.  They are still way offline.  The sheep are now close to the spectator fence-line.  Jim is bring them down the field, but they have been way offline the whole way.  He finally has them headed back up the field after missing the fetch gates to try to bring them back online.  He now has the second group back on lthe fetch line, not far from the handler’s post.  They break over toward the first group which is now by the judges stand.  Jim goes around to try to get around all of them.  They know where the exhaust is so have wanted to head that way all day.  He has them back together, and is bringing them around the post.  He has now started toward the first drive panels, and Jim looks tired already.  They are now nicely online for the first drive panels.  Some of the sheep are stopping to grab a bite to eat.  He has just under 14 minutes left as he goes nicely through the gates, and makes a good turn.  They were walking along calmly to the cross drive panels, then pick up to a trot.  They slow down again as they get close to the panels.  They appear to be online.  They head through the second panels nicely.  Turn is a little wide.  Total point available are 680, with 4 judges:  Bevis, Bruce, Alisdair, and Michael.  The sheep have now come into the shedding ring, and Jack steps away from the post.  He has 9 minutes left on the clock.  Many of the sheep are grazing again, making it hard to see the collars. He makes his first cut of 4 sheep.  Then has let a three more come off one by one to the discard group.  The discard group is so far staying close.  One collared ewe trys to make a break for iit, but Jim tucks her back in.   Another ewe heads off to join the discard group.  One more leaves, then 2 more.  A collared ewe tries to make a break for it, but gets tucked back in.  A black faced ewe now leads the group off toward the exhaust.  2 more uncollared sheep are exhausted.  The discard group has congregated around the judges stand.  He has 5:30 minutes left.  He has 2 or 3 left to get rid of.  He lets one go.  Another collared ewe tries to leave, but is tucked back in.  There is one collared ewe that keeps looking over, wondering if she can make a break for it.  He has one more uncollared ewe to separate out, with 3:30 minutes to go.  They almost had the last uncollared ewe split off, but Jim covered here and brought her back.  He has her sorted off, and is trying to keep her sorted off.  She is finally headed off.  Jack sends Jim off to push her away, but he headed to water, and almost pushed her back.  After a nail biter, Jack gets him called back and onto the 5 remaining sheep.  They are headed to the pen.  They are at the mouth of the pen with 30 seconds to go.  They are right at the mouth, headed in.  He gets the gate closed with a whole 15 seconds to spare!  Jim takes a well earned dip in the tub, as Jack heads off the field. 
Terry Parrish and Bryce, sponsored by Margie Clutter

She sends Bryce off to the right, and he casts out nicely.  He seems to be coming in where the sheep were set out for the first qualifying rounds, but then heads on.  He looks a little tight, but casts himself out a little bit.  Lifts quietly but off to the left.  She whistles him around to bring them online.  They break off left, but he comes around to cover.  Now they are trying to break off to the right, towards the exhaust, but Bryce keeps them online.  She sheep are offline to the right and continue to fight the dog, who is trying to bring them back online.  They are headed back toward the fetch line.  They are now back online.  They are coming along at a trot, but then drop their heads to graze.  They are coming through the fetch gates, and all of them make it through.  It appears that her second group have not been set yet, and someone headed out to the post to talk to Terry for a minute.  They have stopped to clock, and Alisdair and the course director are conferring.  The course director is now talking with Terry.  Terry is now calling Bryce off, toward the first group  They had stopped the clock, but have now restarted it.  She is regathering the first group, that had headed off toward the exhaust.   Bryce has the first group headed back to where they should be left for the second outrun.  She is now asking him to look back for the second group, but he appears to be looking for the next group back where the first group came from.  Terry continues to get him to try to look off to the left, where the second group is.  Bryce keeps heading up the first field for the original set out.  Terry stops him, and asks him in.  She has stopped him again, and is again asking him to look back.  He continues to look up the field to the right, where the original group was.  He appeared to be flanking out properly but then it was apparent that he was just headed in a wide come bye around his original sheep.  She stops him again, and he keeps looking, but has not spotted them.  He now headed out well in the correct direction, but does not appear to have seen them yet.  He is headed out quite wide.  He is going way wide, headed to where the nursery exhaust was.  She has whistled him in, and he is back on the field.  He is headed out nicely around them, but has stopped.  It appears he still hasn’t seen them.  He has finally spotted them, and had a nice lift, and is now headed down the field.  They have veered a little left, he pushed them back online, and they head off that way again, and are then pushed back again.  One appears to be an independent sort.   They keep breaking off, and he keeps having to push them back online.  They have 15 min left on the clock we can see, but that is not the official clock, and we are not sure it was restarted at the correct time.  They come nicely through the fetch panels.  They are headed toward the original group, and he leaves them in the fetch ring with Terry to head back to the exhaust to pick up the original group.  In tring to watch what was happening at the exhaust with her dog, the second group of sheep went past Terry, an have now congregated at the judges stand.  They did not want to leave.  Bryce had to convince them to leave and head back over to the handler’s post.  Coming around the post, one breaks off, and Bryce tucks it back in nicely.  They are headed out of the ring toward the first drive panels.  They have just announced that the clock we are watching is indeed off from the official time.  Bryce appears to be getting tired.  The sheep are quite strung out headed into the first panels  They appeared to have slipped around the left hand side of the gates, but had not quite crossed the plane.  Bryce gets them back around, and through the panels.  The turn was nice.  They appear to be online for the crossdrive.  They are quite strung out.   The head through the second panel, but were so strung out going through that Terry had to wait to flank him.  A couple at the end appear to have missed the panel.  Bryce them came around, and does a nice job getting them back together and headed back to the shedding ring.  A few keep trying to break for the exhaust, but Bryce keeps tucking them back in.  They are now in the shedding ring.  Bryce waits for Terry’s command.  They have just made the first cut of seven.  Two more break away, one of which is collared, so Bryce brings them all back to the shedding ring.  He is pretty tired.  He gamely awaits Terry’s next command.  Terry makes a nice split of about seven again.  Terry chases them off.   A couple try to head head back, but she convinces them otherwise.  She has 8 shed off, but one black face is walking back to the original group.  Terry splits off 4 more, and the black face decides to head off with them.  One more uncollared sprints off to join his friends in the discard group.   She has 2 left to cut off.  Terry’s purple velvet jacket is quite natty with her purple pants, and blingy top, with a nice head.   Our clock has run out, but the official one has not.  Don’t know how much time is left. Terry and Bryce are patiently trying to split off the last two.  They time out.  Score is 281.

Diane Pagel is blogging now.
Suzy Applegate and Buzz, sponsored by Diamond J farms.
Suzy sends Buzz and he busts out fast and wide. His long legs cover ground and he is almost at the top in 30 seconds. A quick redirect and he lopes up the long, hard, lush alfalfa field. Buzz is coming up nice and smooth on the sheep and they are calm.  Nice lift and Buzz works hard to keep them tucked on the line to the fetch gates. He is holding the pressure side well and moving them along side of the hill as they want to bolt down the hill. He is doing a good job and I can’t see that they are much offline as they hit the flat filed to come to the fetch panels. Nice trot to the fetch panels and he tucks them through like an old pro. Dropped them off like Santa drops my Christmas presents under the tree and then back out for the turn back.  Started off nice and then crossed and Suzy is trying to get him back on the proper side.  He is on the away side and doesn’t see the sheep and keep running up the hill.   Finally he sees the sheep and casts out nice and deep.  Nice and square at the top and coming in softly.  Lift was off and sheep broke to Nursery area. The sheep are in the draw, and we have lost sight of them at this point.  They re-emerged and going left hard to Nursery area and Buzz is trying hard to cover.  (Sonia Craig is helping me as I can’t type and watch). The sheep are fighting and still offline.  Headed back to the field and working hard to bring them back.   She is almost back on line just below the setout. Close to back online with 18 minutes left.  The sheep are breaking hard to the left and Buzz is working quite hard. It’s hot as heck right now on the field!  They are breaking to the right and the line is wobbling and they are fighting Buzz. Back online to the fetch panels and now a slow walking pace.  Through the fetch gates and a gallant effort with 16 minutes left. The first set have drifted to the far right and Buzz is going back to get them. They are about 150 yards away. The second group ran to the exhaust in the meantime.  Buzz got the first group and the second group is tucked next to the exhaust gate.   She is bringing the first set to the second set.  The two groups are now together and headed back to the exhaust.  Buzz is hot and got in the water. They are headed back to the post with 13 min to go.  They are coming around the post, and about to start the drive.  She is sending Buzz to water with the sheep waiting at the post.  It is quite hot out in the sun, and he has run a long way.   He is back now.  They are headed up the field on the drive.  They are driving calmly, online.  They are headed up to the drive gates, and are a little strung out, wide.  There are some stragglers.  He is picking up the stragglers to go through the gates.  They have all made the gates.  Nice turn to the cross drive.  Cross drive is going well.  They are trotting along, trying to pick up the pace with 9 min left.  They may be a little high.  He adjusted them back online and walking toward the second gates.  They are low.  She flanked Buzz to the low side, but ½ missed the gate, and the other ½ made the gate.  Nice turn toward the shedding ring.  Buzz is tired and they are not cooperative.  7:30 min left, headed toward the shedding ring, and pretty strung out again.  He is having to push them to the ring.  They are hungry.  About 30 yards from the shedding ring with 6:30 seconds lleft.  They want to stop and eat.  They are in the shedding ring now, and Suzy heads out to them.  She sends Buzz back to water again.  Buzz is back.  She has 3 collared sheep hanging together pretty well.  Trying to set up a shed.  She is trying to work all her collars together, she has 3 in one section, and 2 in another.  She has made her first cut of about 8 or 9 spit off, now 10.  3 more uncollared break to the discard group.  The last 3 uncollared are in the middle of the collared sheep.  2 more uncollared just split off.  One uncollared left to go, with 2 minutes on the clock.  The last white facemd uncollared one keeps hanging in the center.  A collared sheep broke off, but was tucked back in.  She has timed out in the shedding ring.   Score is 311

Taking a quick break for lunch!
Derek Fisher has a stylist station set up at a table at the back of the handler’s tent, and someone is taking advantage of a few minutes down time to get a cut and style. 
After lunch the next handler up will be: (Kathy Davis is typing and Diane is blogging)
Amanada Milliken with Roz, sponsored by Home Cardiographics.
The sheep are headed to the setout area.   Roz has gone out smartly to the right and going along the green edge of the field and looking nice.  The dog has gone nicely behind the sheep, and is looking good.  Lift is straight toward the fetch panels.  The line is still looking nice, with the sheep coming at a trot.  The sheep headed offline a little, but Roz tucked them most of the way back in.  One black face is trying to make a break with her friends, but Roz made them all go through the fetch panels for the drop.  She has been sent back now, and was looking good but got confused, looking back to the first set-out.   With some hesistation, she is headed toward the sheep, but has crossed.  Amanda is trying to whistle her down.  Roz finally stopped, but is on the away side.  At this point, we are not sure if Roz has seen the sheep.  We have lost the dog on the field.  Now she has reappeared below the sheep, still on the right side.  She went into a draw, and we have lost sight of her again.  There is a draw between the sheep and Amanda, and Roz can’t see the sheep, as she is down in it.  Now she is about 50 yds in front of the sheep, and has not turned back to see them.  If she would turn around, she would see them. Roz is convinced that they are in front of her.  Finally, she found her sheep, and brought them at a fast pace nicely to the fectch panels and right through.  Meanwhile, her first set drifted to the road, and Roz is picking them up.  Her second set is now running to the exhaust.  They are all back together and stuck to the exhaust.  Roz is working hard trying to break them off the fence of the exhaust.  She has gotten them off, and is headed back to the post.  She has the sheep gathered in front of the post, and they are coming around the post nicely.  Nice turn around the post, and they are off to the first drive panel.  One blackfaced ewe is now challenging Roz, and she backed her down the field aways.  Roz finally convinced her that rejoining her friends was in her best interest.  The had a little bobble offline, but Roz has them  back online again.  The go very nicely through the panel, and she has a nice tight turn around the panel.  They are now headed along the cross drive at a trot.   The sheep have now slowed down, and sluggishly head through the panels, with a very tight turn.  They are a bit wide, but she is tucking them back online, with 7 minutes left headed to the shedding ring.  They are in the ring, and Amanda is trying to move them to a better shedding position.  She gets her first cut of 8 sheep, but they don’t go far, and one breaks back to the original group.  Amanda then pushes the discards off further, and one collared ewe makes a break for it, but Amanda cuts her off.  There are several collared ewes thinking about heading off to join the discards, and all of her uncollared sheep seem to be at the back of the group, headed the wrong direction with the collared ewes just waiting for a chance to run to the exhaust and their discarded friends.  They are all settled back down nicely in the shedding ring now, and she has cut one more off, with a collared one trying to make a break.  The sheep have left the ring, and she is working them back in.  Naturally, the collared ones want to join the shed single.   She is working patiently, and has now split 3 more off.  One uncollared sheep almost split off, but was turned back.   She has 10 seconds left.  She splits off another.  She is out of time in the shedding ring.   Score 355.
Derek now has a new customer at his stylist booth.  What a deal – come to the finals and get a haircut and style between your runs!  No wonder so many people are looking good today.
Bob Stephens with Pete.  Sponsored by Donna Larsen and Precious
And Pete is off, to the right of course.  He is headed up; the edge of the field.  He is now headed in short, where the sheep were several days ago.  Bob has whistled him out again, but he has crossed.  He is now coming up the to the sheep, but too close, and on the left.  He has gotten around behind them.  He was close, but the sheep politely held still for them.  Lift was good, headed toward the fetch panels (which are diagonally to the left).  She sheep are now offline too far to the left and Pete comes in a little too close and splits them.  The are are now headed back together.   They are back online and headed to the fetch gates.  The line is still nice coming in to the fetch panels at a nice trot, and right through the panels.  They are now at the drop.  He is being asked to look back, but keeps looking toward where the first set out was.  It looked once like he was headed the right direction, but apparently not, as Bob stopped him.  Pete is determined that the second group of sheep are near the original set out.  He has now crossed.  He is headed still confused – headed up the field but has no idea where his sheep are, and is running back and forth across the field, looking for them.  The dog is still looking, and still wants to head back to the first set out.  This has killed quite a few dogs on the turnback to the second group.  Pete is all the way back to the original setout, and headed back toward where the original set out pens were a few days ago.  He has 19 minutes left at this point, and unfortunately has no idea where the second group is.  Finally the dog is headed up the away side, and we hope that he sees them.  He is stopped again, and Bob is again asking for a lookback, and the dog has looked back, but is headed in this way, on a very wide away.  He is now at the spectator fenceline and currently out of our sight.  He is still confused, and is now headed back down the field towards us.  Bob is now bringing 10  yr old Pete in, as he  has already covered a LOT of ground, and has no idea where the second group is.   No score.  Retired.
Scott Glen with Don.  Sponsored by Diane Pagel
Scott is at the post, setting Don up for his away outrun.  And he heads out nice and wide.  He is headed up the field fast, along the edge.  He heads in where the setout was several days ago, and Scott gives a VERY brief flank, and Don heads back out again.  Scott whicles him to slow down coming around the back.  The sheep really like being set out on this alfalfa field and don’t like giving up the opportunity to snack.  They lift pretty well, but pretty quickly try to head offline toward the right, to the exhaust.  Don has to tuck them back onto the fetch line.  They are approaching the fetch panels online.  They are trying to string out, but Don makes them stay together.  They keep wanting to stop and snack.  The come nicely through the fetch panels and to the dpro spot.  Don takes his lookback immediately, but comes in too close, crossing the field.  Scott whistles him down, and tells him to lookback again, but he is off into a very rough area of overgrown grass on the hill, trying to head back to the original set-out spot.  He is now coming around the first group again.  He is moving them back to the drop post.   He is  putting them back to the droppoint so that he can reset Don for the turnback. He has 21 minutes left.  Donn takes his lookback command again, but is still crossing, and repeating what he hust did.  Scott is trying to whistle him way out wide, and we thought that Scott had ahold of him.   It looked like he was going, but at the last moment, he kicked back toward the first set out.  Scott has him coming back, so he is directly below the sheep.  Don is stopped and looking toward the sheep, and a couple of redirects.  It looks like he is headed towards the comebye side. He has come in below the sheep and disappeared into a draw.  He has finally sighted his sheep, and is coming nicely behind them.  17:50 minutes left.   It has been a tough second outrun in the dead heat of the day.  Don has lifted the sheep, and they have gone into a draw.  They are coming out with a hard left pull.  Don is working hard, as they are running hard towards the fenceline.  It is tough at this point as the sheep keep wanting to break to the nursery field, and Don is working his heart out.  Time is being chewed up as Don is gallantly working hard to get them off the fenceline area.   There is a dead zone out in that area.  The sheep are starting to move nicely and they are walking slowly toward the fetch line.  Don is covering on the away side, and has missed the fetch panels.  They are back online at the drop point.   Scott is working to keep the second set online so they will be even with the first set, so he can send Don. Don cast out nice and wide, and is picking up; the first set with 12 minutes left.  The first set is trotting back to be with the second set in front of the fetch panels.  They are walking nice and slow toward the post.  They are turning nicely around the post, until several try to wander off toward the spectator fenceline.  Don tucks them back in.  They are now headed back up the field to the first drive panels.  He has them headed up at a nice trot, tightly bunched toward the first drive panels.  They are now stringing out a bit, and trying to come offline towards the fenceline again, but Don is keeping  them tucked in.  They go nicely through the panekls, with a nice tight tunr around the panel as well.  He looks nice online, with the sheep tightly bunch, with the sheep headed steadily along.  They are deaded at a nice steady walk across the field.  Most of the groups keep stopping to graze.  Don has his sheep headed the right direction and is keeping the moving along.  Scott makes a slight correction to get back up to the fetch line, and they go nicely through the second drive panels.  The turn was slightly wide.  He has 5 minutes left on the clock.  They are headed back to the shedding ring.  They are now in the shedding ring with 3:45 seconds left.   He has lined them up nicely in the shedding ring.  He looks quite nice in a pink shirt, vest, and stylish hat.  He shed several off, but a collared ewe broke through, so he had to regather them.  He has shed 5, then another broke back, and then the 5 rejoined the flock.  He has yet to make a successful first cut.  He is being patient and has shed off four again, an several collared ewes want to join the discarded group.  We just noticed that Scott is wearing a nice tie.  He has 30 seconds left.  Time has run out for Scott Glen.   Score is 325

Bryan White with Scoop.  Sponsored by Rocking Dog Productions LLC
Scoop headed up the field nicely, but can in short where the original set out was a few days ago.  He did not sop when Bryan asked him to.  He finally did stop, and took a redirect out wider, but still came in a little short.  The sheep were so busy grazing on the nice alfalfa, that they held position, allowing Scoop to get behind them and have a nice lift.  The sheep are coming directly down the line to Bryan, and are pulling hard to the right.  Scoop is not keeping the pressure to make the dogleg to the fetch panels.  At this point they are headed towards the judges booth, and 50 yards  before the post, Scoop has them turned back toward the fetch line.  He is well below the drop point, and the sheep have burst up the hill.  Scoop crossed.  He is bringing them back down to Bryan and they are still working to get back on the fetch line.  The sheep are headed toward the exhaust, but Bryan has Scoop stopped on the fetchline, and is trying to do a turnback.  Scoop is not convinced, as he cannot see the sheep, as they are over 500 yds away, and blending into the hillside.  Finally Scoop is going towards the second packet, and has crossed the line behind the first drive panels.  He is coming back to Bryan, but Bryan stopped him.  Scoop is trying hard to figure out what Bryan wants.  At this point we have 21 minutes left, and we hope that scoop can find his sheep.  Bryan has decided to walk without a score.   Retired.
Terry Parrish with Zula.  Sponsored by Cathy Modica
Again, Terry is a fashion model, as she goes to the post.  The first packet of sheep are a nice sharp contrast against the lush green field, trotting down to the setout point, and Zula is locked on them.  Zula is casting out nice and deep.   Started in where the sheep were set out several days ago, but corrected herself.  She is coming in nicely for the lift, but ended up going a little too far, and lifted too far to the right.  The sheep are headed up the field to the exhaust, at the right edge, way off the dogleg fetchline on the left.  Terry keeps trying to flank her around, but Zula is not getting far enough around to bring them back online.  They are headed down the right side fenceline.  Finally Zula takes her flank, and the sheep are headed back in, but want to stop and graze.  Zula is working hard now to get them back online. The sheep are going straight to the drop off point, having missed the fetch panels.  She is giving her a big flank and a lookback, and Zula is scanning.  She is trotting out slowly, and is still scanning, but it is hard to see the sheep on that hillside. She is still trotting on the comebye, and has not crossed at this point.  Terry stopped her, and Zula is looking hard.  Zula did a quick away flank, but was stopped – we hope in time.  She is still having some trouble, as she is not looking high enough on the hill.  She doesn’t quite believe Terry, and keeps inching closer to crossing the line.  At this point, she is behind the drive panels, and is having the same issues as all the dogs prior.  She is getting close to crossing over.  We are still hoping that she can do a turnback and get her sheep.  She has now crossed.  She is working just below the sheep, on the away side.  We thought Zula saw her sheep, but she apparently has not.  Finally, after numerous redirects, Zula flanked away behind her sheep.  The lift was fast and we are looking at 17 minutes left on the clock.  Terry, a tough competitor stands quietly at the post, while Zula is bringing the sheep.  She is giving her a chance to get hold of them and now is starting to flank once they come off the hill onto the flat field.  The sheep are coming nicely to the fetch panels and are trotting nicely through.  Meanwhile, Terry’s first packet is way off to the right near the road, along an irrigation line.  The first packet is about even with the judges stand.  Terry is patiently working the second group closer to her, and they are a bit offline to the left.  Zula went on the away to cover the second group, which had drifted to the left of the fetch line.  Now she has them online, and has Zula between the two groups, going on a comebye flank to pick up the first group.  It is a wide outrun to pick up the first group, but this game little dog is working her heart out.  Zula is bringing the first group back to the second, and has them all together now.  They are headed back to Terry at the post.  They had an extremely wide turn around the post, and are tightly bunched, headed toward the first drive panels with 10 minutes left.  They are headed nicely online to the first drive panels.  They tried to dive out to the left at the last second, but Zula would not let them.  They all went through nicely, but with a wide turn around the panels.  They were high, then came low, below the fetch panels.  She is adjusting to get them back online.  They missed the panels high at the last moment, and the turn is a little wide, as the sheep want to break right to the exhaust.  Now they have stopped to graze ½ way to the shedding ring, and she is off line.  The sheep are entering the ring with 6 minutes left.  Terry is patiently working the sheep and Zula is holding the back line.  Terry splits 3 off.  One black face is standing eye to eye with Zula, but finally turns.  The flock has rejoined the 3, so she is going to have to reshed.   She is at the edge of the shedding ring at this point.  She has shed off four and has 2:45 minutes left.  Another uncollared ewe joined the four, then a collared and an uncollared sheep joined the discarded set.   She regathered, redid part of a shed, but again there was a collared in the group, so she regathered again, and time ran out. Score is 262

Suzy Applegate with Dot.  Sponsored by Rusty Jeffers
Dot went out wide, and part way up the outrun, kicked past where the setout panels were, and into the upper yellow fields.  Suzy got her back behind the sheep for a nice lift. They are breaking hard down the hill.  As of now, they are a little bit off line, and don’t want to go over to the left dog leg fetch to hit the fetch panels.  She has finally gotten them stopped on the flat field, and then trotting toward the fetch panels.   Nice approach to the fetch panels now.  The sheep are again trying to break right, and Dot is flanking around to bring them back to Suzy.  She got Dot back around to block them from going offline, and has now gotten them through the fetch panels, and to the drop point.  Dot is not willing to let go of this group to look back for the second group.  The first group is drifting offline towards the exhaust.  Dot is still not letting go of them, but now is bent out and crossed.  She is not looking back, and is convinced that the first group is what Suzy wants her to get.  Suzy has retired with no score. 
We will have done 207 runs and close to 60 Livecast Interviews....about 50 hrs of works for me and I wonder why I am so tired!
Sonia Craig with Walt.  Sponsored by Pat Byrnes
We want to thank Sonia for stepping in and helping blog when we were trying to do interviews and blog, and just ran out of help.   We grabbed her and she was kind enough to step into the role at the last minute.  Thank you again.
Walt is off up the field, going out wide pretty quickly.  He is coming in deep behind his sheep.  He is lifting them straight toward Sonia rather than toward the fetch panels, but she quickly brings him around to get them back online before the really even get offline.  They keep pulling to the right, but Walt is keeping them online to the dogleg left fetch panels.  They are moving quickly, and not grouping tightly.  They are coming in to the panels too far to the left, and Sonia is trying to get him around to tuck them pack in.  they are strung out wide, and 2 or three go around the left side of the gates, with the rest coming through to the post.  Walt took his look back immediately and is trusting her to go out, but has no idea where the sheep are, and is going out blind.  He is looking toward the trailers, and is scanning, but it does not appear that he sees the sheep up on the hill.  He is casting out nicely on the comebye side, but is coming up short.  She stopped him, and redirected him, but it looks like he will still be short.  He still has not crossed.  At the last moment he saw the sheep, and cast out nice and deep.  He is slow and steady at the top.  The lift is a little bit to the left, but he quickly takes command.  They are again off line to the left.  Sonia is trying to flank him around, but they are coming in quickly and he has not gotten around far enough.  They are breaking hard to the fenceline, and are at a dead run.  Finally, he has control, has slowed them down to a trot, and Sonia is trying hard to get them turned before the fetch panels.  It looks like they are going to come just below the fetch panels, but she got them through, and the crowd gave a big roar.  Diane is wearing her new glasses and she still can’t see panels worth a damn J  She has dropped the sheep in their proper place and has sent Walt to pick up the first group, which he is doing nicely.  She has 18 minutes left at this point.  The second group is waiting calmly just in front of the post, and the first group joins them.  Now they are gathered 50 feet in front of her, and she is setting them up for the turn.  The sheep want to make a break for the exhaust, but Walt has stopped them, and keeps them headed back toward the post.  They are started on their drive now, but are lining out along the drive, and trotting on the first leg.  You can see how dusty it is – when the sheep trot, swirls of dust are left behind them.  They are close to the panel now, and want to spread out and graze.  The have gone through nicely, but there are still 2 left on this side.  They finally did come through.  They did a wide turn around the panels, and the sheep are dropping very low on the cross drive.  He has them grouped together, and they are going at a nice trot, and appear to be online.  He tucks them smartly through the panels with 3 minutes left.  They make a nice tidy turn, and Walt holds the pressure coming back to the shedding ring.  The sheep are now in the shedding ring, and Sonia is trying to get them grouped and settled there so she can set up a shed.  The sheep tried to break out of the ring, but Walt caught them.  Sonia is patiently working them, looking for a good grouping.  She cuts a nice group away, with 10 minutes left. She changed sides, and that will cost her.  The sheep are getting close to the edge of the ring, and have decided to graze.  The discarded sheep are at the exhaust.  One collare4d sheep has broken back to the exhaust group.  The rest followed, and Walt has gone to water.  Walt has brought them back in the ring with 6 minutes left.  The collared sheep are scattered throughout the group, and they broke out of the shedding ring again on the far side.  She has finally worked four uncollared sheep to one side, but they regrouped.  She almost had a good split, but then a collared blackfaced sheep broke into the uncollared group, so she could not call Walt in for the shed.  She has done a split, but the collared group walked out of the ring.  Time has run out.  Score is 359


(Ellen Skillings is blogging and Kathy Davis is typing)


 Michelle McGuire with Molly.  Sponsored by Moose Tatum


She has sent her off to the right, and she is running deep back towards the exhaust.  She is running wide up the right hand side of the field.  She has cut in low.  Michelle stopped her, and redirected her.  Molly has taken it and kicked out.  She stopped short on her own at about 3 o’clock.  She kicked out again.  She is coming in at a nice angle to be online at the fetch gates, and is coming in deep.  She is careful, controlled and online.  They come offline slightly to the right and stopped to graze.  Molly has brought them back online.  Molly is having to hold pressure hard on the right, as the sheep are pulling hard that way.  The sheep have come down off the hill onto the flat, and are about ½ way to the fetch gates.  There is a little bobble on the fetch line, and Molly is flanked to catch them right above the handler, and won’t let go of the first packet.  The first packet is drifting off the turnback post.  She has had  3 or 4 turn back commands, and is recalled, and stopped.  Told to look back.   Molly has looked, and is headed back, but still has not seen the sheep.  She is going back slowly.  She is coming in where the stubble meets the grass, and has crossed about 70 yards below the second packet.  Michelle stops her and redirects her, but Molly has not spotted the sheep yet.  She has been given 5 stops, but stops briefly, then continues on toward the center of the field.   Molly continues toward the center of the field.  She is stuck on the dry field that divides where the first group of sheep is dropped from the field where the second group is dropped.  She is about 300 yards from the second group, and walking towards them, but it is not clear if she has seen them yet or not.  She has spotted her sheep and is casting back from the wrong side.  Despite repeated redirects she is lifting her sheep away from the fetch line.  She is at about 3 o’clock, and needs to be at about 10 o’clock.  The sheep have lifted and disappeared in the draw back toward the second set out pens, and Molly is not moving.  She is ignoring redirect whistles.  It is not clear if she can even hear the redirect whistle.  Michelle is giving what seem to be recall whistles, but Molly is not moving.  She broke back toward the top of the field.  The sheep are drifting.  She may have gone back by the set out pens.  Michelle has chosen to retire. 
Headed out now, more tonight when we stop for the night.