
Thursday, August 2, 2012

A Journey of Determination

Many years ago, I met Angie Driscoll at a Scott Glen clinic. We hit if off very well and became fast friends. I remember meeting her and thinking, "What a bubbly and positive person!" and I was right. Angie and Kelvin followed their dreams, landed in the UK and finally settled in Wales. I visited her about five years ago and had the time of my life.

Angie is very determined and worked hard to follow her dream. Her journey was a long and tough journey, a foreigner in the land of UK and top men and women handlers. But, Angie is not a quitter and kept working with her super talented, Meg.

Believe in your dreams, follow your she did...and she bested the best of the best at the Wales become the Welsh National Reserve Champion with Meg.

Angie Driscoll and Meg (194) Outrun 2, Lift 4, Fetch 4, Drive 8, Shed 0, Pen 4, Single 4

Congratulations on a job well done!!!

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