
Sunday, March 18, 2012

Heppner Day Two

I just got home and needless to say, am totally wiped out and going to be.  So tomorrow for pixs and recap of the weekend. I got lots more pixs so need to edit them. I have some of Scott Glen, Patrick, Ruben and Monique.

It was a tough trial and those who say it isn't a tough trial, certainly never encounter wily, tough range yearling who have no hesitation of standing up, bashing or bolting from a dog. No farm flock here! Tough course, heavy draws, great judge, wonderful trial committee and superb handlers....what else can you ask for?

Quick recap on my runs...or I should say, non runs...both DQs. Nan gripped at the turn at the post as many dogs did. Maid gripped on the last leg. Both dogs worked hard and tried hard and I was pleased with them. I see my holes that i need to fix for the next trials.

Scott Glen won Combined with June. This was her first trial out and she beat the big guns. Scott and Don were second overall. Lavon won with Tess today. Patrick had a sweet run with Riggs.

more tomorrow....when I get my sleep!

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