
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Caption Contest- DeltaBluez Anson aka Goose

Time for another Caption Contest. Post your captions in the comments section. As usual, Tess will do the selection. I will write the captions down on paper, toss them on the ground and Tess will fetch one for me. Very scientific and unbiased. I will not put a beef flavored treats in my favorite caption paper bundle, really!  This contest runs for two weeks.

Click on the photo for a larger view

This is Deborah and Goose (DeltaBluez Anson). Deb is learning to handle Goose and is very close to Novice level. Goose is a full brother to Rainey. He was my pick of the litter and he went to them. They are a great home for Goose and love him dearly. He is also the 2011 fastest flyball Border Collie. This photos is from one of our snow days when Deb came out for  a lesson. As you can see, it was snowing.

Wayne Seward took this photo with my camera. I handed him my camera and he took some very nice shots that day. I like this photo as it shows Deborah and Goose working as a team. I really love his tongue hanging out.

Some contest rules.
1. No naughty captions
2. You can enter as many captions as you like, but you only get one entry
3. Cherrie , the artist will ship you the nightlight. She did the design and donated it for this contest.
4. Winner will be drawn by Tess on Feb 22, 2012
5. Winner will be announced on that day and has one week to respond. If not, then the backup winner will be announced.
6. Open to USA and Canada for the nightlight. If you are out of the USA and Canada you can enter your caption but your entry will not be part of the pick, due to postage rates.

Click on the photo for a larger view

The winner will get a ultra cool gift. This is a HANDMADE Nightlight with sheep on it., Cherrie made this exclusively for this contest. The is the sheep part. It also comes with the plug in

From Cherrie:

I set up a coupon code FORNICK. Etsy forces you to attach a discount to the coupon so these nightlight shades will list at $20.20 each with a 1% discount. After the discount the price will be $20 each (plus shipping) of which I will send $10 to Tea's Wolftown to be earmarked as a contribution to Nick's care. The other $10 covers my cost to make and list the nightlights. The nightlight shades will ship with a plug-in light fixture like the one on the white chicken. They fit in the mailing box better when not fully assembled.

I have also set up a second coupon code TESSBLOG. This coupon code is good for 10% off any item in my shop and will be available until March 31st. If someone buys more than one item my intent is for them to be able to use the code on every one. I don't have lots of experience with Etsy coupon codes. These are my first, so if anyone has a problem, they should give me a message through Etsy and I will fix it.

Since Cherrie  was kind enough to donate this cool sheep nightlight, I am going to do a plug for her. She makes these from scratch and you can order one.  She has generously going to give $10 of each sale to help with Gloria Atwater's Nick Vet bill.

From Cherrie: (You will have to mention that you were referred from my blog for the discount)


  1. Look, I am telling you, not one of them will remember those boots!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The sheep are brown, the ground is white, and the boots are technicolor. What was in the water, again?

  4. Ok,Deb, I got it. The lift needs to be softer. But, did you notice your boots match the markings on the sheep?

  5. They look like candy... Can't I have a lick?

  6. Mmmm, I think those boots might taste like peppermint.

  7. Did you drop something Mom? I'll find it.

  8. "I've always heard that if you lick something cold in the snow your tongue can stick... I never thought it would happen to my nose..."

  9. If I lick the wool off my nose she will never know...

  10. Yes my boots are flashy Goose but so are you! We're still done working....
    That'll Do Goose, That'll do.

  11. "Mom. Mom. Mom. Look. I caught a snowflake on my tongue."

  12. "OK Deb, look, he's got the camera. Now glance down toward me, like we're discussing the sheep or something. Perfect...that'll be a good one."

  13. Hey, don't worry, the 1970 look is back in.

  14. I love those boots. i could just eat them up!

  15. Excuse's so cold my nose is running.

  16. How about another sheep-scicle for dinner??? :)

  17. You have definitely lost your marker privileges!

  18. Goose: ITS FREEZING!!
    Long pause.....
    Deb: Your tonque is stuck isn't it...

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. That was really fun and I really love you but I am starving. What's for breakfast?

  22. If you won't let me eat sheep, how about one of those boots.

  23. See mom, I could play Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer.

  24. I told you I could touch my nose with my tongue.

  25. Somewhere there's a clown looking for his boots.

  26. I'm out here in this weather, wearing this outfit, and you expect me to believe you thought that wooly stuff was the fuzz off a tennis ball?

    Myra Soden

  27. Mam, the reason i stopped you is that you were breast feeding in public, and now you tell me you don't have your tags when I ask for for you license, registration, insurance card and your offspring's vaccination record...

    dave h.

  28. OK, where are my insulated coveralls??

    Paul Lewis

  29. So where did you get them boots? Neewwyyooorrkkk Citi?

    Walt Feasel

  30. So where did you get them boots? Neewwyyooorrkkk Citi?

    Walt Feasel

  31. those are the coolest boots I've ever seen. Where can I get a pair of those?

  32. Yum! Sheep wool tastes even better than tennis ball fuzz!

  33. species torSeriously you named me Goose,have you ever seen a Goose lick its nose??

  34. And the ewe on the far right says to the others "No worries girls, he's eyeing up the boots - I knew that was a smart thing to ask Santa to bring her!"

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. "That last sheep was kinda funky tastin !

  37. Look, if you lay off the rot-gut booze, those boots won't match your eyes.

  38. Look I've told you before, if you lay off the rot-gut booze your eyes won't match those boots.

  39. Look I've told you before, if you lay off the rot-gut booze your eyes and your boots won't match.

  40. Hey, um....if we ever actually compete, could we look at upgrading the foot wear?

    Mark L (Muleflock Mark)

  41. Whooooo Weeeee! That was yummy, fun, ma!

    P.S. Not part of the caption contest, but I just had to add that 1/2 white face dogs with one blue eye ROCK! :-)
