
Thursday, September 15, 2011

Lavon Calzacorta and Tess at LaCamas Double Lift

Lavon....what can I say about him. Perhaps the fact he introduced me to Crown Royal Reserve? Or maybe, the fact, we set sheep at Dirt Blowing Trial with the two Tess's and were the only crew to set the sheep without  the use of a trailer? Or perhaps that Lavon is a very sweet and down to earth person, who talks the time to talk to everyone and be generous with his help. Yep, that is Lavon. Of course, I *might* be a little biased...oh, heck a *lot* biased since he has a dog named Tess.

Lavon at the post waiting for his faithful Tess to bringing the sheep. She got both packets quite easily and was a champ and handled them well.

The first leg of the drive. Nice and tidy. 

 Everyone was taking a break.

 Tess had her bathing suit on so went in for a dip.

Lavon let Tess take her time to cool off.

 Once she was cooled off, she got right back to work.

 Time for the International Shed. They worked quietly and patiently through this process.

 Slowly whittling away down to the last few.

 Oh, wait, One, two, three, four and five collared sheep. Way to go!

 Off to the pen. Lavon was very patient and they almost had it but the time ran out.

In the end, it was great work and they won the Double Lift. It was a great run to watch.

I also took photos of Cheryl and Patrick but they did not turn out. Hope you enjoyed the photo series of LaCamas!

1 comment:

  1. I just watched Lavon and Tess on the webcam at the nationals. Those two are a vrey special team :0)
