
Monday, September 19, 2011

Caption Contest Winner - Windswept Farms

Tess picked the winner of the Caption Contest. The winner is "Windswept Farms"

Please email me and we will send you your prizes! Thanks to everyone who entered the contest.


If Windswept Farm does not contact us in a week, Then Tess will do another draw.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Diane. I see I won this contest. I am very late in responding so understand if Tess drew another winner. I am enjoying your blog but cut back on my blog reading time so only get to it every three weeks or so. After winning the whistle, I never expected to win again. BTW, I use that whistle everyday now. My dog is learning to recognize my version of the toots he was trained to respond to.
    cbakerpt at gmail dot com
