
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Sheep Lake hike

My brother, Nelson and his friend, Bryant went on a hike to Sheep Lake. My eyes glowed when he told me that and I asked him if he took a picture of the sign that had "Sheep lake" on it. He rolled his eyes. However he did get a few pictures of the hike. It looks beautiful and they hiked and camped at Sheep Lake.

My brother Nelson. He is the best brother in the whole wide world and I am blessed to have him.

 Love the early morning mist on the Lake.

 Nice moutain view.

Bryant Bowman. We all grew up together from fifth grade and on and he is like family.

I don't know why they called it Sheep Lake. I knew better than to ask him if he saw sheep.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Nan on Friday at LaCamas

Nan was a pistol on her second run. At least I was trying to slow her down so she would grip on the fetch. I did get her to hitch up so that was nice.

I am thinking maybe I should have drank a beer before my run.

 Nan was on the muscle. Er, when is she NOT on the muscle?

On the fetch this lamb broke away twice and she put the lamb back. Nan does have a temper so that fact she didn't grip the lab was amazing.

 At the turn, the lamb broke and I was sure she was going to grip it but she didn't.

 Put them all back and then turn for the first leg.

 Oh, no a lamb broke away for the fourth time.

She scooped the lamb back and my heart was in my throat.

She  got them all nice and lined up.

 I am feeling better now.

She held them nice and had a sweet tight turn....then for the fifth time a lamb broke away. It tried to run over her so she did a quick but clean head snap, turned it back in and started the drive. But alas, we got called for that. However I was happy she did keep her temper in check and when she did grip, it was a nice grip.

Nan, licking her lips with delight after the grip.

photos: Carolyn Harwell (she does wonderful work and you can see her work at Look Back Photography

Monday, August 29, 2011

Bill Berhow and Mike on Friday at LaCamas

Bill Berhow and Mike were the subject of my camera on Friday.  He was one of the first trainers to help me when Tess was about a year old. He was very kind and generously answered many of my questions over the years.

At the post.

Bringing the sheep to the post for the turn. 

 Ok, look how calm Bill is! And the dog. And the sheep. Are all calm.

 Holding that pressure point.

Dancing sheep. 

 Mike says march to the first panel.

 The ewes thought about running around the panel but Mike told them otherwise.

Quiet communication in the shedding ring. The sheep were calm. This run was calm.  This was a real pleasure to watch. Bill certainly can run a dog and make it look smooth.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Friday Open at LaCamas

Here are a couple of handlers from Friday's run.

Bryan White and Scoop. He and Allison own the Honest Dog store. They generously donate items from their store for trial prizes. Support them by buying some of their cool clothing. Allison hand carves the woodblocks that you see the artwork on their clothing. I have a shirt and a hoodie. Very high quality product and they stand behind them.

Hitting the fetch panel dead on.

The last bit of the fetch.

Turn at the post.

More style points.

Big tongue.

Keeping a hold of the sheep.

The last bit of the turn at the post.

Bob Dias and Cloud.

The fetch.

Nice line on the first leg.

The first drive panels. See how well he is holding the pressure?

Tomorrow: Bill Berhow (Friday run)

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Random LaCamas Photos

Thanks to Nick Stagg and his two tireless dog who exhausted for all of the Open runs. You are our hero! We really appreciate it!

View of the handler's parking from the Open field.

Suzanne Anaya and Jett and Nan.

Lora Withnell and nell just before they went out for their run.

Judge Linda Tesdahl and the timer. We had 11 minutes to complete the course.

More photos as soon as I edit  them!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Thursday's Open runs at LaCamas

WARNING: Very picture heavy!

So, I managed to take some photos on Thursday. Not many as I was running from one field to another and running my dogs. The sun was out and it messes up on the photos so the ones that I thought would be good, ended up being washed out. So, here is what I have from Thursday. I also took photos for Friday, Saturday and the Double Lift. Those will be in the next few days.

I have taken lot of pixs of dog but then think I will remember whose dog it was....but as it turns out, I forget. So now, I take a pix of the handler at the post so I know whose dog it is. Ironically enough, even though these are the backside of the handler's, I know who they are.

Bob Dias

Cloud. What a grand old dog.

 He still can do those fine cutting moves.

 The lambs thought about going which way but Cloud told them to march south, and so they did.

 Cloud keeps them online.

 Cloud is a very handsome dog.

 Everyone is lined up in a formation.

 It was late in the day and the sun cast huge shadows on the lambs.

 Rochelle Stanford and DeltaBluez Koko. She always has a huge smile and is very sweet.

 Her love of her life, Koko. They are a great team

 Koko had no issue in handling these sheep.

 I love this photo!

 She is an honest dog.

Koko makes sure the sheep go in the directions she wants them to go! 
 Tigr doing the drive. She is a pup from Dolly, a cattledog that I had. This was a nice litter that we bred and work cattle as well.

 Tigr says "I see you"

 Tigr holding the line.

Lavon and Gus. He is one of the nicest guys you will ever meet. A quiet person that just goes out and shows you how to win. He is pure class.

 Gus on the fetch.

 Setting up for the shed.

Monique and Lucy on the cross drive and a nice line.

They timed out in the shedding ring.