I love cattle. It's as simple as that. As we were driving we spied this herd. So we pulled over. These cattle were nice and square and rich in color. One calf was very interested in us. The calf was the smallest and soon that calf wandered up close to check us out. I really liked the structure and size of these cattle.
We named the little calf, "Two brown eyes". The calf's mama had two brown circles around her eyes too. She was not friendly and gave me that all too familiar, "Stink Eye"
This other calf was just as curious. They kept trying to get closer but ole Mama would acted concerned and like true small children, they ignored her.
I couldn't figure out the brand on these cattle but it was huge and on their side.
Old Mama Cow let us know we should be hitting the road rather quickly and the photo session was clearly over.
Diane, if you like cows and can find yourself a bit in animal communication, there is this funny book I'm reading 'Ask The Cow' written by Rita M. Reynolds. Rita communicates in real life on a certain level with animals. But she never got much feedback from them. Now she has this cow, a bovine named Christina that all of a sudden starts to relay life lessons to Rita which leads to a totally different view on life and life of the animals. It's funny with a serious truthful undertone. Highly recommend it. Even if it was just for the cover picture. When I saw your photos of the cows I immediately thought of my book. Those heads alone are HUGE! Thanks for those beautiful pics.