
Saturday, October 16, 2010

Regionals - Quick Update

I took a bunch of pixs but only downloaded them but haven't edit them yet so perhaps later this week. We are beat as last night was an adventure. We got up at 3 to hear the alarm going off, letting us know the power was dying. Apparently, an outdoor light was left on and drained the battery. So needless to say, not only the power died but the heat also. Every time the alarm would go off, Nan would freak and claw at my face and try to squash on top of my head. Finally in the morning it all got squared away! Poor Nan!

It was merely icing on the cake as Friday day, things didn't go so well for my Open dogs.  Roo went super wide and thought some white buses were his sheep and he did eventually found his sheep but the rest of the run was a train wreck as he was frazzled.

I had gotten Nan a chiro adjustment and acupuncture (more in a blog later on the great service/vet later this week) and she was full of piss and vinegar. She was very supple in her movement and fast as a missile. We did managed to complete the course and got a 69 which put us in about the upper third of the pack.

I'll blog with pixs of the other folks in another blog since I am too tired right now.

Today Nan had a brilliant outrun, lift and fetch and then did a quick grip on the first leg (DQ)...then Roo went for a 700 yards outrun but the real outrun was only 450 I guess today was a DQ day for me. Oh well....but the bright side is the Rochelle Stanford and Koko made it to the Double Lift.

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