
Sunday, October 24, 2010

Homeward bound

I am cold and tired so this is gonna be short. Roo got drawn in the 12th slot in the Double Lift. The prior 10 runs had decent weather and Lana (11th slot) and I had the rain, 60 plus a mile winds and freezing cold.....tarps flying everywhere, chairs sailing i the air, porta potties all fell down, trailers swaying badly....I about fell down at the post when I tried to walk back.

Roo gave me his all and placed 9th....not bad considering he could not hear me worth a damm....he would turn to me and look as if to say "What do you want me to do"....he had a great turnback for his second packet and his sheep were not there....he finally crossed when they arrived...his drive was nice, and his first (almost) completed International shed was quite nice as he has never down that before but held true to his side.....

As soon as his run was over, we hopped in the truck and headed home and got in rather late, totally beat up and exhausted.....Fire Ridge was a superb trial with it's rolling hills, tricky sheep, great trial hosts and wonderful friends....a must return!

Took some pixs but not much as it was raining on and off and then the hurricane set in and everyone ran for cover. Roo's fur was being blown so hard, it was sticking straight up in the air and he was shivering quite a bit.

The drive over the mountain was hard, wet and foggy. We will unload the trailer later this week as all I want to do is sleep.

Lynn and Jesse were the only team to complete the course. Bob Dias and Rock got fourth and I forgot the rest of the placings. When I get it, I will post it.

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