
Monday, October 11, 2010

Faye at Vashon Island Trial - PN

Faye belongs to Tony Pardini. He got her from me a couple of years ago.  She has been a great dog for him and works cattle as well as sheep.  She is very biddable and has lots of courage. She is a great little dog and has proven herself. She is a lot like her mother Nan, and a lot of people say she is a younger version of Nan. At this trial, she had no issue with the range ewes and they listened to her! I've been running her this year for him.

 Look at happy she is on the fetch.  She was bit flat at the top but eased up and had authority on them. As she matures, she has turned out to be quite a lovely dog. She is a easier version of Nan on the field and had lots of power.

 She found the pressure point and held it well.

I love how her ears would rotate to listen to me. (Unlike her mother Nan, who listened to the down, three steps later).  Faye, on the other hand, had great downs. 

 She had a good line on the drive until the cross drive, where we bobbled it badly.

 On the second panel, the ewes wanted to run up the hill but Faye dispelled any notion  of that. Quite a few dogs struggle on this hill to turn the ewes. Faye just marched them off the hill top to the pen
 Go Faye, Go!

We were shutting the pen as the timer went off. She worked hard at the pen and did great in my book. She was one of the best dogs to handle the sheep that day. I think this will be her last trial with me as we are waiting for her to be  bred. She is an awesome dog and a joy to run!

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