
Friday, October 15, 2010




From Salem, take I-5 north. Exit right onto I-205 toward Portland Airport. Take I-84 east. From Portland, take I-84 east. Exit at Exit No. 176, I-82, north toward Umatilla. Take Exit 1 and turn right onto Hwy. 730. Five miles after reaching the Washington border, US 730 becomes US 12 at Wallula Junction; continue east toward Walla Walla. About 10 miles east of Wallula Junction, pass through Touchet. Four miles later, pass Lowden. One mile east of Lowden, turn right onto McDonald Road at milepost 326. See further directions below.

From Seattle, take I-90 east, I-82 toward Yakima, and I-182 toward Richland/Kennewick/Pasco, which becomes Hwy. 12 toward Walla Walla. At Wallula Junction, where Hwy. 730 joins Hwy. 12, turn left toward Walla Walla. About 10 miles east of Wallula Junction, pass through Touchet. Four miles east, pass Lowden. One mile east of Lowden, right before milepost 326, turn right (south) onto McDonald Road. See further directions below.


From Lewiston-Clarkston and Walla Walla, take US 12 west past Walla Walla. A half-mile west of Nibler Road and one mile before Lowden, at milepost 326, turn left (south) onto McDonald Road. Follow further directions below.

From northern Idaho and Spokane, go west out of Spokane on I-90 and turn south on U.S. 395 toward the Tri-Cities (Richland/Kennewick/Pasco). Go east on I-182/U.S. 12 toward Walla Walla. Follow further directions below.


On McDonald Road, go south 3.4 miles, including through a stop sign at Frog Hollow. At 3.4 miles, the road makes a 90-degree turn to the right and becomes gravel. GO SLOW! It’s still McDonald Road. Go 0.7 miles and turn left downhill through our feedlot. It’s still McDonald Road. Go 0.4 miles to the stop sign at Stateline/Umapine Road (it’s signed differently in different places!). Go straight across the paved road (about 0.1 mile) and continue south on Hudson Bay Road (gravel). There’s a big boulder marking the old Hudson’s Bay Trading Company ranch on your left. Go south for one mile and turn right onto a track leading into the trial field. The turn is before Milepost 1 and is opposite a private driveway with a mailbox and a flowerpot. Follow the track down a hill and uphill to the parking area. You have arrived!

From southern Idaho and Utah, take I-84 west to Exit 216 at Mission. Turn right at top of ramp and go straight about five miles to Hwy. 11, including through a stop sign at the bottom of the first hill. Turn right onto Hwy. 11 toward Milton-Freewater. Go about 23 miles. At the bottom of the big hill going into Milton-Freewater, get in the right lane. At the Y in the road at the stoplight, bear right toward Walla Walla. Go two miles, look for a green sign on the right for Sunnyside Road and Umapine, and a bit farther, turn left (west) onto Sunnyside Road. There’s a gas station/farmer’s market and a drive-in theatre at that corner on the left. Continue for five or six miles; you’ll go through a stop sign after one mile or so, and the second stop sign is in Umapine. After Umapine, go straight for 1.8 miles and turn left onto Troyer Road, which is gravel. Take the first right onto Hudson Bay Road (metal building with collapsed roof and graffiti on corner). Go a half-mile and turn left onto a track leading into the trial field. The turn is just past Milepost 1 and is opposite a private driveway with a mailbox and a flowerpot. Follow the track down a hill and uphill to the parking area. You have arrived!

Handlers: Follow signs to trailer and truck parking for handlers. BE CAREFUL: Behind the weeds on the west end of the trial field and bordering handler parking, there is an irrigation ditch that may or may not have water in it. Please park facing east-west, and don’t park in the track upon which other rigs will travel.

Spectators: Follow track to the trial field. Park along the western edge. BE CAREFUL: Behind the weeds along the west border, there is an irrigation ditch that may or may not have water in it. Please park facing east-west, and don’t park in the track upon which other cars and rigs will travel. You may park anywhere to the south of a big hay bale that marks the beginning of the handlers’ parking area. There is a $3 per person donation requested for helping to defray expenses of the trial (no donation requested for children 12 and under). A printed program will be available. Thanks for coming. Enjoy the trial!

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