
Monday, July 26, 2010

Highland Games - Emma on Sunday

On the the nicest people in the whole world is Kathleen. She has Duncan (retired), Emma and Gael. Emma and Gael were pups that she got from me. Emma was born here and Gael can from Chris and Teri Hanson. Kathleen took Gael to puppy raise her and *poof*...she fell in love with her and she never left.

Kathleen has been working hard with Emma to get her to be a solid dog. She has done well. She had the Maltese Cross practice the week before the trial and it paid off!!
At the post. Emma is very eager as this is her first time to run at the trial. Normally, she is working the pens.

She was on fire this weekend. Fast and faster....

Look at that stride.

Need I say more about the Maltese Cross!! MADE IT!!
Emma has to way off the sheep....she has a lot of presence.

OK, she pegged the pen. She had good enough scores from both days to make it to the Finals.

Tomorrow, more handlers pixs and then the Finals.

Photos by Jerill Thorpe unless noted

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