
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Class of 2006

These four siblings are owned by some wonderful folks. Dolly their mother now works as a goose dog. She went to Barbara Ray in the east coast. But Dolly left four pups behind who all are outstanding working dogs.  They will be four in November.

They are from cattle line of Border Collies. They are very sensible and rate their stock well. I had kept Jack, then known as Grub, (since he was HUGE as a puppy) but Nancy wanted him so he became her soulmate. They are a great team. Courtney and Nancy also run them in agility. Tigr runs in Open sheep and cattle trials. Emma is in Ranch and pretty soon will be in PN.  Logan and Jack have run in arena sheep trials.

(left to right) Ron Green - handler with Tigr. Tigr is owned by Hope Harris. Courtney and Logan. Nancy and Jack. Kathleen and Emma.

All of them work either sheep or cattle. They run in cattle or sheepdpg trials. They are very good dogs and people keep asking their owners if they want to sell them. The answer is no, in case you were wondering. Tomorrow I will blog some working pixs of Jack and Logan.

Nice dogs and nice people....what more can you want?

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