
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Feb 7 Trial Results

From the trial host, Alison.The results of the last Winter Series


Thank you all for coming to the final Winter series at High Country Farm. I think the new course lay out worked very well and posed some new challenges for handlers and dogs. Thank you so much to Sue and George, Heidi and Ron, and Bonnie for coming out to set up the new lay out, and tearing down after the trial, and of course Sue for judging. I think we will use this or something similar for the June trial.
We had a fairly large turn out in spite of the weather and the Superbowl. I found it very humerous that none of the people I talked to could tell me who was playing in the big game J In case you haven’t heard yet, the New Orleans Saints, beat the Indianapolis Colts, in a close game played in Miami.
Now onto the results we all really care about.

Open 100 points available Total Score, OR, Lift, Fetch, Drive, Pen, Single
1: Diane Pagel and Roo 78 0 0 2 10 0 10
2: Heidi Hanson and Pete 69 0 0 4 7 10 10
3: Brian Richards and Mig 67 0 1 7 5 10 10
4: Karen Mohney and Grit 67 6 4 6 6 1 10
5: Bob Hickman and Mojo 66 0 0 9 14 1 10
6: Diane Pagel and Nan 63 0 3 4 23 1 6
7: Bonnie Block and Gull 62 1 1 19 16 1 0 first trial!!! Note the shed points!!!
8: Ron Green and Tigr 59 3 2 8 18 0 10
9: George MacDonanld and Chris 54 1 1 3 24 7 10
10 Karen Mohney and Ajax 52 2 0 7 19 10 10
11: Dave Vikland and Ty 51 0 5 18 15 1 10
12: Monique Feyerchilde and Lucy 50 0 2 12 19 7 10
13: Brian Richards and Doc 50 0 2 19 18 1 10
14: Donna Donahue and Kate 34 2 8 16 28 2 10
15: Jim Cooper and Zot DQ rats!! Jim just joined the "wrong way club"
16: George MacDonald and Huck RT
17: Jim C and Amos RT
18: Donna and Jag RT
19: Charmaine and Reo RT Reo really wanted to go left... and did!!! wrong!
20: Jeanne B. and Rocky DQ N/C
21: Ron Green and Kane RT
22: Dick Wilson and Raygan RT N/C
Pro- Novice 90 points available Total score, OR, Lift, Fetch, Drive, Pen

1: Karen Mohney and Maverick 60 1 2 10 15 2 Not bad after falling a sleep on your crook...
2: Janet Thorpe and Tess 51 3 2 4 20 10 chuckle time!!!
3: Jeanne Boudrieau and Rocky 45 6 8 7 14 10
4: Janet Thorpe and Scott 39 1 3 18 28 1
5: Hope Harris and Gus 33 3 5 18 29 2
6: Trudy Viklund and Tick 32 11 6 15 26 0
7: Susan Crocker and Rani RT
8: Pamela Harding and Caymus DQ
9: Bob Hickman and Trooper RT
10: Dick Wilson and Raygan RT
11: Susan Crocker and Zen RT
12: Bonnie Block and Gull RT

Ranch 80 points available Total Score, OR, Lift, Fetch, Drive, Pen

1: Hope Harris and Gus 57 3 2 4 13 1
2: Ron Fischer and Steve 51 0 0 1 18 10
3: Kathleen Torkelson and Emma 41 2 9 16 10 2
4: Pam Carter and Colin 40 0 0 10 20 10
5: Audry Baldessari and Dan RT
6: Bob Hickman and Ryder RT
7 Dave Viklund and Vader RT
Non Comp Jeannie Boudrieau and Moses 46 2 4 8 10 10
Non Comp Audry B and Dan RT
Non Comp Kathleen and Emma Rt

Novice 60 points available Total Score, OR, Lift, Fetch, Pen

1: Jeanne Boudrieau and Moses 47 2 4 6 1
2: Jane Hickman and Rachel 41 4 1 4 10
3: Susan Crocker and Maya 39 17 0 2 2
4: Alison Deilke and Socket 31 6 2 16 5
5 Jenny McInnis and Elsa RT don't give up!!

Congratulations every one, I’m looking forward to seeing you again in June.

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