
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Flyball with Epic

Deborah and Ben bought "Deltabluez Anson" from me this spring. He got a new name of "Epic" and they have been working with him on herding and he can do a Novice Course at this point. He is a very biddable dog and wants to please.

Epic (DeltaBluez Tess x Delmar Scott). He just turned two years old in November.

Ben has been training Epic for Flyball. He was in training for three months and went to his first Flyball Tournament. He got a run of 4.04 at that tournament.



  1. Looks like a flyball champion in the making! What BC wouldn't be happy to be running and barking with a ball in their mouth? LOL Glad you turned the sound off. :0)

  2. That's an impressive time. Epic is off to a great start!
