
Sunday, November 22, 2009

Nov 14 trial update

Recently we attended a trial at Sue and George MacDonalds. There were over 20 people in Open. Monique ran Lucy and to see how they did you will have to go to her blog. They did very well and I am proud of them both. I ran Roo and Nan.

Roo actually did quite well. His score doidn't reflect how well he listened to me. He was a bit flat at the top but took the down and did a nice controlled fetch. Took every down and partnered up well with me. See how nice he is at the turn at the post.

He had a very nice and pacey drive and I held him back and he really tried hard to work with me. I was very happy  with his drive. He just walked the sheep into the pen.

He is a lot of dog and powerful so sometimes the sheep are terrified of him. We had to work to settle the ewes in the ring and when we did, the time ran out. He lost 6 on his outwork, 10 on the drive, 0 on the pen and 10 on his shed.

I ran Nan but no one took any pixs. She had tremendous outwork, missed the panels on the drive, sweet pen and a screaming awesome shed. She tied with Roo on points. I was happy with both dogs as they can be on the muscle but at this trial, they ran very well.

Ron ran Tait in Open. Nice turn at the post.

Tait is a tri smooth coat male that I got a few years ago from Scott Glen. He is a very tough dog and works cattle also. But underneath all of that toughness, is a very gentle, good nature and kind dog. Ron also ran Kane. He just moved them up to Open this year.

Ah, one of the sweetest dogs ever born. DeltaBluez Jackie (Deltabluez Tess x AltaPete Pleat). Scott Glen ran her a couple of year ago at the USBCHA Sheepdog Finals and got 20th overall.

Jackie is now owned (and loved) by Sue MacDonald. Sue and George are some of the nicest people that I have ever met. They host many trials and help foster sheepherding in our area. They were the people who got me into the sport!! So it was only fair, when Sue was looking for a future Open dog, that Jackie landed in her lap. It is a perfect home for Jackie and I am glad I sold her to Sue!!

Jackie adores Sue. They will be a great team so be on the lookout for them.

It was a great trial and I will be going back in Dec for the next one.

1 comment:

  1. Wish I could have photo'd Nan but I was scribing. Next time!
