
Friday, October 23, 2009

Step Back in Time with Scott

Once again, I was looking through my old photos and pulled out these. Scott was my Open cowdog that I ran for a few years. He also ran in Open sheep  and did well. Now he is retired and living with Janet and runs in ProNovice on Sheep.  Scott was the main cowdog on the Coldstream ranch for many years. He was owned by Chris and Terri Hanson.

This was a few years ago. Just before the run. This cowdog trial was on horseback.

Bringing them from the pasture into the arena as part of the course.

Putting them through the Y chute.

Down the alley way.

To the arena.

We won Reserve Champion trophy which was a silver cinch...very stunning.

1 comment:

  1. That's the best looking dog I've ever seen! Of course, I'm biased.
    I love Scott. He is lovin' retired life, especially the part of retired life that includes the big screen TV where he can watch wildlife shows about ducks. He sure loves those ducks.
