
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

USBCHA Finals- People

Here are some random shots of people from the Finals. Since I was blogging so much, I was unable to take a bunch of photos. In the next few days, I will post photos from Nursery (not much) and photos from Open (A whole lot more)

Riger Culbreath from Co.

Melanie Chang who tooks tons of great pictures!!

Roger and Melanie as they were visiting me. I am sure Roger is happy that he can pose with a cute gal!!.

Pearse Ward, also blogging

Derek Fisher, the Fashion Model, just before his run.

Joe Haynes.

Suzanne Anaya, one of the nicest people - EVER!

Tim Ballard, from Canada and a witty guy.

Several folks at the gate, awaiting their turns. Patrick and Lana.

Candy Kennedy and Geri Bryne. Much thanks to Geri for hosting the Finals.

Kristi and Melanie. Solo is with Melanie.

Shilah, aka Vanna.

Joe Hayne, proud to wear pink.

Joe and Rain waiting to go on the field. Heather, his new bride is at home so I made sure I got photos of Joe for her!!

Tricia and Alasdair. Aren't they the cutest couple.

This is a beautiful picture of them.

Bev Lambert and Bill Berhow.

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