
Saturday, July 11, 2009

Sheep Thrillz Results July 2-5

Open Day One
Handler Dog score
Lynne Green Kurt 93
Karen Child Jim 81
Elissa Thau Riof 79
Noelle Williams Gael 78
Jo Ferguson Teak 76
Noelle Williams Lad 70
Noelle Williams Nap 70
Karen Child Rock 69
Morgen Magnuson Tess 69
Diane Pagel Nan 69
Derel Fisher Jan 69
Diane Pagel Lucy 68
Ian Caldicott Joe Kidd 64
Donna Donahue Davy 60
Laura Vishoot Ripley 59
Lynn Johnston Anna 58
Laura Vishoot Wren 58
Sandra Babb Cap 49
Sue MacDonald Jan dq
Lora Withnell Killiebrai Sally rt
Lorri Schubert Quill rt
Sue MacDonald Bess rt
Cheryl Munson Cap rt
Jim Cooper Zot rt
Bonnie Block Dan rt
Brian Ricards Mig rt
George MacDonald Chris rt
Donna Donahue Kate rt
Elissa Thau Nell rt
Amy Coapman Jean rt
David Lee-Johnson Bute rt
George MacDonald Huck rt
Ian Caldicott Bear rt
Cheryl Munson Jett rt
Lorri Schubert Mot rt
Brian Ricards Doc rt

Open Day two
Handler Dog score
Derek Fisher Jen 95
Brian Ricards Doc 83
Karen Child Jim 82
Karen Child Rock 75
Elissa Thau Riof 73
David Lee-Johnson Bute 68
Noelle Williams Lad 67
Noelle Williams Gael 67
Morgen Magnuson Tess 66
Diane Pagel Lucy 60
Noelle Williams Nap 59
Laura Vishoot Wren 56
Lora Withnell Killiebrai Sally 55
Laura Vishoot Ripley 55
Donna Donahue Davy 55
Lynn Johnston Anna 55
Ian Caldicott Joe Kidd 54
Elissa Thau Nell 54
Jo Ferguson Teak 47
Sandra Babb Cap 46
Diane Pagel Nan dq
Ian Caldicott Bear rt
Amy Coapman Jean rt
Cheryl Munson Jett rt
Lorri Schubert Mot rt
Sue MacDonald Jan rt
George MacDonald Huck rt
Donna Donahue Kate rt
George MacDonald Chris rt
Lynne Green Kurt rt
Cheryl Munson Cap rt
Jim Cooper Zot rt
Lorri Schubert Quill rt
Sue MacDonald Bess rt
Brian Ricards Mig rt
Bonnie Block Dan rt

DOUBLE LIFT Top 16 Dogs from the two days of Open
Handler Dog score
Derek Fisher Jan 148
Noelle Williams Nap 145
Karen Childs Jim 135
Noelle Williams Lad 128
Noelle Williams Gael 109
Lynne Green Kurt 100
Ian Caldicott Joe Kidd 96
Diane Pagel Lucy 96
Donna Donahue Davy 77
Brian Ricards Doc 60
Laura Vishoot Wren RT
Elissa Thau Riof RT
Laura Vishoot Ripley RT
Morgen Magnuson Tess RT
Jo Ferguson Teak RT
Karen Childs Rock DQ

Novice 1st round
Handler Dog score
Brittnay MacNeill Hillcrest Havoc 39
Karen Combs Tex 37
Karen Combs Skye 34
Ally Lantis Lex 25
Molly Westling Mel 20
Ally Lantis Lucy 13

Ranch 1st Round
Handler Dog score

Fred Dickhous Buster 55
Suzanna Anaya Yoko 48
Ruth Lake Sophie 40
Ruth Lake Tia nc
Sue Foster Ben rt
Shilah Olsen Tess rt

Pro-Novice 1st round
Handler Dog score
Karen Child Hickory 68
Cheryl Munson Flint 61
Lynn Johnston Jesse 55
Lora Withnell Nell 54
Jim Cooper Amos 53
Suzanna Anaya Kilt 48
Brittnay MacNeill Hillcrest Mick 37
Laura Vishoot Drew 36
Dick Wilson Raygan 35
Linda Whedbee Liddy 29
Noelle Williams Max dq
Dan Williams Lad dq
Donna Donahue Taff dq
Judy Boles Gilly rt
Linda Whedbee Tristan rt
Karen Combs Buddy rt
Ursala Pettyjohn Pete rt
Dave Imas Cap rt
Julie Roeter Jade rt
Lorri Schubert Pete rt
Karen Child Molly rt
Vicki Smith Jessy rt
Lisa Williams Tess sc

Handler Dog score
Jim Cooper Amos 67
Noelle Williams Max 49
Dave Imas Cap 45
Laura Vishoot Tucker 39
Karen Child Nell 34
Lora Withnell Nell 23
Donna Donahue Taff rt
Karen Child Chance rt

Novice 2nd round
Handler Dog score
Jodi Wiktorowski Sweep sc
Karen Combs Tex dq
Ally Lantis Lucy rt
Brittnay MacNeill Hillcrest Havoc rt

Ranch 2nd round
Handler Dog score

Suzanna Anaya Yoko 48
Karen Combs Skye 43
Sue Foster Ben dq
Fred Dickhous Buster dq
Ally Lex rt
Ruth Lake Tia sc
Shilah Olsen Tess sc
Ruth Lake Sophie sc

Pro-Novice 2nd round
Handler Dog score
Laura Vishoot Drew 71
Lynn Johnston Jesse 69
Dave Imas Cap 64
Suzanna Anaya Kilt 60
Dan Williams Lad 59
Dick Wilson Raygan 56
Lorri Schubert Pete 56
Noelle Williams Max 52
Karen Child Molly 50
Vicki Smith Jessy 38
Linda Whedbee Liddy 36
Donna Donahue Taff dq
Karen Combs Buddy dq
Laura Vishoot Tucker dq
Karen Child Hickory dq
Cheryl Munson Flint rt
Brittnay MacNeill Hillcrest Mick rt
Ursala Pettyjohn Pete rt
Julie Roeter Jade rt
Judy Boles Gilly sc
Lisa Williams Tess sc
Jim Cooper Amos sc
Linda Whedbee Tristan sc

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