
Monday, June 15, 2009

Epic (aka Anson) and Ben

Pic (formerly known as Anson) now belongs to Ben. Ben got Epic for herding, flyball and his main dog. Epic adores Ben and thinks he walks on water. He even gives him his monkey hugs like Tess does.

Ben is learning to work with epic. I put the foundation on Epic so Ben had a dog that was ahead of him and they could grow together. Ben comes out each week for lessons. He uses Epic to sort his sheep and do chores. This time he had to sort out 5 or so sheep and leave the ram and Dorper behind. He did that quite well and that helps Epic learn how to do practical work. Then I had him work a larger flock.

Ben is learning how to work Epic on outruns. Prior to this, he used Tess as a lesson dog and she knew what to do. Now, he has to help Epic and teach him. This session, we stretched Epic to go very far on his outrun and I had Ben keep giving Epic his flanks commands so he would get better on them. On this clip, he is working with Epic on his come-bye. Sometimes Epic get a little too cautious at the top, so we have been working him to push harder. The pups from this litter are cautious at the top so we are making them come on harder at the top so their eye won't hold them at the top like it has done with their sire, Scott.

This is the away side and again, the farthest he has come. Ben is sshhing him to go faster and push on the fetch. By the time we were done, he was quite happy. I think I am going to encourage Ben to enter in a Novice trial this fall.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for posting on Ben/Epic! I cannot wait to see them together! I think he turned out to be the perfect dog for Ben
