
Thursday, April 9, 2009

Dog Jokes and Humor

Humorous reasons not to train a dog

Like to see the paw prints on my visitors clothes
The house is too orderly
Love the sound of barking in the morning, noon, afternoon, evening, and night
Want the Vet to get a new BMW
Garden and backyard need renovation, don't want to pay a gardener
Furniture look too nice
Neighbors don't complain enough


Genuine misprints taken from real publications

FREE PUPPIES: part German Shepherd - part dog .
FREE PUPPIES: ½ Cocker Spaniel - ½ sneaky neighbor dog.
FREE YORKSHIRE TERRIER, 8 years old. Unpleasant little dog.
GERMAN SHEPHERD, 85 lb., neutered, speaks German, free.
FOUND: dirty white dog, looks like a rat, been out awhile, better be a reward.
CUTE KITTEN FOR SALE, 2 Cents or best offer
FREE: Farm kittens, ready to eat.
KITTENS 8 WEEKS OLD - seeking good Christian home.


Dog Law

In Columbus Georgia , it is against the law for dogs to howl after 9 P.M.
Berea Kentucky law requires dogs on the streets after dark to display a red taillight.
Florida law does not allow dogs to ride in a school bus.
A law in Zion Illinois prohibits owners from teaching their dogs to smoke cigars.
In Fox Point Wisconsin, dogs cannot travel in groups larger than two.
The Belvedere California City Council passed a law that reads, "No dog shall be in a public place without its master on a leash."


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