
Monday, February 16, 2009

Border Collie Banker

Now, we all know that Border Collies are very smart. Kira is very clever. You can see her work her brain to figure out what she wants. Usually it is something she shouldn't have but she wants it anyways. She likes to be in the middle of things.

So we have had the Fun trial for the last three years. It's low key and it is judged so then you know what you need to work on. The runs are very low cost so that way you can do several runs.

This year, since the 2009 USBCHA Sheepdog National Finals are held in Oregon, I donated $100 from my fun trial as a Trial Sponsorship.

Since this is a Novice Fun trial, I had a manila envelope so people could put their money in and check off their names. I was busy with setting up the trial items and wasn't paying attention to it. People took care of their payments. Well, obviously Kira thought we needed a Border Collie Banker. She took it upon herself to take charge of the *bank*.

"Who was the dummy that left this *money* on the ground? Unguarded!!"

"Let's move it to a safe location"

"Did everyone pay up? Let me see if all the money is here. Are the names all checked off? Let me sit on the camera bag while I figure all of this out."

"OK, I will guard it now. I can't believe my mom left this money just laying around!"

If you want to help the 2009 USBCHA Sheepdog Finals ...


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