
Friday, January 9, 2009

Trailing of the Dairy Cattle

Today the water went down on the highway so we could get out. I was able to go feed my other horse (Emmy) and the ram. I drove to my Dr appt and then around town to see the damage. I'll post in another blog about the damage and the results of my Doctor's visit.

I stopped by George and Diana Magnochi Dairy farm to let them know their baby calves they had dropped over at my place were fine and to see if they needed help. They needed help at 3:00 to help move their cows back to the dairy operation. They asked me to be at the bike trial and 60th at 3:00 p.m. to help control the cows from going the wrong way and use my truck to help block the north section of the bike path.

Click on the pixs for a larger view.

Here is the view of their diary and beef cows in their pasture. Just yesterday part of this pasture was under water. Their house is to the right. They had to bring the cows to the other side of their house then down 55th and then hang a right on the bike path and then head to 60th.

My green truck and a neighbor's red truck blocking the north part of the bike path.

This is the 60th Street cow tenders...we were to make sure the cows did not go east on 60th or north on the bike path. Everyone is from Carnation and since it is a small town, everyone knows each other.

My truck and Tess is sleeping inside. Nan is at home with Getty making sure he does the farm chores correctly.

John who has a backhoe and business on the corner. He is going to use the backhoe to prevent the cows from running east on 60th.

John had blocked off 60th with his backhoe. I live down this road.

Here come the dairy cows.

One of them is being led and the rest are following.

More cows moving along. They were moved to George's house since his dairy farm and barn were flooded. He lives about 1/2 mile from the barn.

Headed towards a major highway. Highway 203. The police and town folks blocked the road so the cows could go down the highway.

More cows coming down the bike path.

Now those have turned the corner and headed to the highway.

These have very cute, big doe eyes.

No end to the cows yet.

The cows were moved two days ago and have not been milked. They need to go and get milked as you can see their udders are very full. This cow was waddling.

Here is another pix of her.

This is the crew that pushed the cows down the road.

To the right, you see a line of cars stopped on the highway.

You can see the cows on Highway 203. They are trotting down the highway and strung out a long distance. You will have to look hard but the cows are on the road. They are headed to the barn with the silver roof at the left.

The last of the crew bringing up the cows.

A view from the corner of the highway. Finally the cars are starting to go on the highway. They were stopped for 15 minutes and since it is the ONLY ACCESS into the valley, they all had to wait. It's part of living in the valley.....
.....and folks, that was the "Trailing of the Dairy Cattle"


  1. Great shots! I see Jerseys, and charlais? Holsteins too? What kinds, I need to know! Sounds like a great team effort. My favorite pic is of them being led :)

  2. Holsteins, Jerseys, Brown Swiss, and we have one Ayrshire, but I don't think she made the pics. : )
