
Monday, January 19, 2009

3 years ago- BARN FIRE - Part seven

Jan 31 (date in 2006 this was written)

WOW, Joe Decker did a great job of removing the blackened scar that was left from the fire. Looks smooth but still has traces of smoke smell but that is to be expected. Joe did a 5 star service and I HIGHLY recommend him if you need any logging, excavating, clearing or that type of work.

Thanks Joe and Nancy for your great community service. You are two great people. I know if I ever need any more work like this, they will be the people I will call.

It's been almost two weeks and we are trying to sort through everything now. I want to thank all the people who stepped up and helped us right after the fire. Jeff Boone who rushed over and helped and made sure the sheep had hay. Rocking E who generously donated alfalfa for the first few days to tide us over. Chris Haymond for taking my Clun Forest pregnant ewes until I could get a shelter built. Nelson, my brother and Mom who came and helped us on the day of the fire. Amy Bradley who stepped forth and taken the rein of coordinator for "barn fire" contact person. Becki, Chris who are putting a sheepdog benefit trial to help us. Jeff Roger and Katya, who have stepped in and helped with work. Tony and MaryAnn who have been there everyday for me. Varun, Walter, Steve, Kelly and the rest of the guys from the FAA who built a lambing shed for me. Jayna and Nate who brought supplies!! Audrey who brought sheep stuff....All the sheepdog folks, from Canada to California to Alabama to Wyoming. The Frisbee and music folks have been great....just everyone!!

I know that I have missed people but there has been tons of people who have helped us when we were dazed and numb. We will be starting a Thanks You page for all those poeple who have written, provided a shoulder to cry on, helped and so forth!!! We thank you all!!

Now that I am not so dazed but still numb, Jeff and I are amazed at the people who have helped in so many ways. We thanks each and everyone of you for your kindness.

Next step is a work party this Saturday. We also need to get gravel so if anyone has a good contact for gravel drop Amy a line. Her email is on the website. We also need to put up fencing where the barn burned down so the sheep can go into their normal pasture. Right now, they are with the horses and need to have their pasture back.

.OK, so the plan is gravel ASAP and a work party. We figure there will be several work parties. We will keep you posted on these. We have called barn building folks and hope to see some plans soon. With out limited budget we will see what we can get.

That's it for today...more in a day or two. We are blessed to have friends like y'all!!


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