
Tuesday, January 22, 2008

"American Idol - Border Collie Judges"

We love Idol.....Jeff, cuz he is a singer (good) and a talented muscian. In case you hadn't noticed some of the dogs here are named after famous musicians....Tess, Koko, Rainey, Raful, Jackie, name a few.
My singing...well, let's say....I am more gifted in watercolors and artwork, if you know what I mean!!!
So tonight, we (meaning Jeff and I and some of the pack) gather around to watch Idol.

Tess, Rainey and Kael give their opinions of one of the first singers... They all vote "GO"

Ho, hum....Rainey says of one singer a bit later...

"Still doesn't lighten me up...."

"She is more least she is on key"

""EEKS, this one thinks she sings like Mariah Carey......more like a squished cat!!"

Tess and Kael slept through a couple of them....clearly not impressed...


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